Filed under: PC games cheats

Dungeon Souls Cheats

Dungeon Souls

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Extra Loot From The Judgement Trick:
Written by Hogsmoss

This guide will walk you through on getting extra loot from
The Judgement! Only three steps which means its super easy!

1.The first step of doing this trick to get The Judgement to spawn any boss
except for the Soul Guardian. What ever you do, do not kill the second boss!
You will learn why later.
2.Go ahead and kill The Judgement. Try not to die… :P. After you kill The
Judgement the second boss should still be there.
If not, you probably killed it and you may need to either restart or just
do the second loop which just makes it harder for you but I recommend it.
3.(Final): Yay you’re done! All you have to do is to kill the second boss and
you should get the loot from the second boss (If done correctly)!
I think this trick works very well and I recommend you use it!
Not so hard only 3 steps and you get extra loot instead of nothing.
More is better than less?! (I guess)

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