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Dungeons 3 Cheats

Dungeons 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Follow these steps to enable the cheat console.
Locate the game’s main folder.

(for example: C:UsersyournameAppDataRoamingKalypso MediaDungeons 3)
Note: To find it easier – Hit the windows key and search
%appdata% then navigate to ./Kalypso MediaDungeons 3config.cfg

In this directory there is a document “config.cfg”.
Open this file with Notepad and add the following entry:

Debug.EnableCheats = True

This will enable the cheat console.
Press ` or ~ tilde (the key above TAB) in game to bring up the cheat menu.
Then we start a game and click tilde ` or ~ button (above “TAB”, left of “1”)
and we will see a big clickable menu of cheat options:

Code Effect
SetCreaturesInvulnerable – All your fighters and heroes are now immortal and
deal huge damage.
FillWorkshop – If you’ve built a workshop, it will fill it with
stacks of boxes (trap/door materials).
FinishAllResearch – Researches all possible research projects. This will
give you all available rooms, traps and level up
your heroes.
AddEvil – Sets evil points to 10000.
AddGold – Sets gold to 10000.
AddMana – Sets mana to 10000.
SpawnHero – Spawns a generic “enemy” hero on the viewed location.
SpawnSuperCreature – Summons a super soldier (usually an Ork) with
humongous HP and damage.

Basic Guide on What Creatures Do:
Written by Famalex

This guide tells you the strengths and weaknesses of all the troops in the game.
It will also say about how these troops work and good combinations to use in

Thalya is a key troop that will be essential throughout the campaign, whether
it’s the very high damage output for early in the game, special interactions
with objects or the fact that the final level is literaly impossible (to my
knowledge) without her.

At the start of every mission, she is level 1 and cannot gain experience EVER.
The only way to improve her is by spending evilness and lots of gold to increase
her damage and helth, plus give her a new ability (availble from mission 2 so
not a spoiler). Her basic attack is ranged and does a lot of damage,
particularly early game. Back her up with 2 of each type of normal horde
creatures and this will crush through many enemies. She also has 2000 health
at level 1

Her special ability unlocked straight from the start is fire bomb. This attack
even when not upgraded will take nearly half the health off basic enemies and
it deals splash damage that does not drop off from the impact. The only problem
is how long it takes to fire and then reach its target. If you aren’t careful
when using it, the enemies will just move out the radius when they rush to
attack your creatures.Also, the AI has an annoying tendancy to not use the power
of it properly. It will just fire it directly at the location where the closest
enemy was when it got in range, without trying target prediction or hitting as
many enemies at once. This means that despite the large area of effect it will
just miss any melee enemies if you let the AI use it. You can override the
ability provided that the fireball has not left Thalya’s hand, but beware,
the moment an enemy that fights back is in range and the skill is availble
(and Thalya doesn’t have other orders) the AI will use the ability.

As for her other ability, summon shadows, unlocked at level 4, I personally
don’t see it as hugely valuble. Yes, its quite a nice, useful ability to
have, but not worth spending lots of gold and evilness to get. And yes, I
mean lots. One of the best things about Thalya is that she is availible at
the start of every mission and can deal with a couple of basic threats all
by herself. She is also the only non-demon troop that has passive regeneration,
like the demons she must not be hurt for a while before it will start, but
it is much slower than demon regen. Don’t expect her to be able to deal with
many of these basic threats before she dies. If she does die, she will
resurect after a while (yay) and this can be sped up with gold.
This costs 100x Thalya’s level.

-=Horde Creatures (Combat)=-
Horde creatures are undeniably the strongest and tankiest regular troops.
It is entirely feasable to beat most levels with only horde creatures. On
the other hand, death is permanant for them without a very late game technology

Orcs embody everything I mentioned above about horde creatures. They do
pretty good damage even at level 1, and have enough health and armor to be
tanks early game. With the support of nagas and Thalya, they will kill very
efficiently. With some mid game tech, they can become ironhides that have
insane armor and the taunt ability that means weaker front line units like
zombies and banshees will not be hurt as much, though the gunner enemies are
still a problem for said units.

To start with, I am glad that basic goblins actually serve a purpose in combat
in this game. Goblins have the lowest health of the horde creatures, but they
do lots of damage, unlike in the predessesor to this game. They also have the
inconspicous trait, meaning they are the lowest priority target for enemies
even when they are being hacked apart by one. They can be used to assassinate
back line enemies during a battle like novices or wardens and their upgraded
versions. However, if this way of fighting doesn’t work for you, you can
instead get gob-o-bots that have an area of effect attack and higher health.
They lose the inconspicous trait however. The goblin won’t even die with the
mech. They get ejected and can either continue fighting as a normal goblin
(with the inconspicous trait) or retreat and pick up a new mech at the hideout.

Nagas are the healers of the horde. They have lower hp than orcs but higher
than goblins, but their attack is terrible. They aren’t availble with orcs
and goblins, instead having an entirely different research for them. A naga
will heal a target constantly if near an injured horde creature, converted
hero or Thalya until they are at full health or move out of range, however,
they will never heal themselves unless ordered to. To avoid annoying
micromanagement I would advise always having at least 2, and you are unlikely
to need more than that unless you spam horde creatures. Nagas also cannot move
without stopping healing unless pushed by other creatures. Unlike the other
two main horde creatures, they do not have an upgraded form.

Golden Pickaxe Locations:
Written by Nopperabo

Reference guide for golden pickaxe locations.

So I figured it might be useful to compile the Golden Pickaxe locations here,
in order to save time faffing about without external guides.

Whilst the Pickaxes always appear on particular maps, the actual location is
RANDOM. Some guides I’ve seen suggest searching the outer edges, but I can
say from experience the location really is quite random. You may get lucky,
or you may need to dig out every block of earth until you find it. So it’s
good to know which maps you’ll need to spend your time on.

-=The List=
Main Campaign: “Everything has an end…”.
Once Upon A Time DLC: “Fog and Sheep”.
Evil of the Caribbean DLC: “Greetings from R’Lyeh”.
Lord of the Kings DLC: “The Fellowship”.
Clash of Gods DLC: “At the Foot of Godsmount”.
An Unexpected DLC: “The Forest Queen”.
Famous Last Words: “Show Us What You’re Made Of”.

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