Filed under: PC games cheats

Echelon Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: nightraider

Automatically Win Mission:
Drop to the console during the game with the ` key and type: srv_success 1
All objectives will be successful and you can end a mission by hitting [ESC].

God Mode:
Drop to the console during the game with the ` key and type: srv_hero 1

Adding Bots:
1.Start a deathmatch game.
2.Once the game is loaded and you are spawned, press the “`” button
(located above “TAB”). This will bring up the console menu.
3.Enter the following: srv_bots #

Notes: There is a spacing between bots and #

# is the number of bots you want in the game, for example if you want 15 bots,
then the entire command would be: srv_bots 15.

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