Filed under: PC games cheats

Empire Earth 3 Cheats

Empire Earth 3

Cheat codes:

1. Start game.
2. While ingame, not on the world map, hit ENTER to access the console.
3. You can now use the following codes, has to be case insensitive:

Code Result
icheat – Cheats Enabled
idontcheat – Cheats Disabled
loot – All Resources increased by 10,000
taxes – Resources decreased by 100
punish – Selected unit damaged by 20 points
convert – Selected unit converted to your side
recharge me – Selected unit recharged to 100% power
win – Win the scenario
toggle fog – Toggle fog of war ON/OFF
sea monkeys – Toggle instant build
era up – Advance an epoch without meeting any of the requirements
max pop – Toggle max pop capacity
give tech – Tech points increased by 50
play god – Toggle God Mode
super cheat – Coffers overflowed, instant build enabled, pop cap maxed
reinforcements – Additional 100 troops
cheat cheathor – Opposite of super cheat code
cheatonite – Disable super cheat code
idontcheat – Disable all active codes

New unit for each faction:
When installing the game, enter FQQA-8WQT-EWGF as a bonus code to gain access to a new
unit for each faction.

Display version number:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + V during game play.

Display frame rate:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + F during game play.

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