Filed under: PC games cheats

Enemy Territory – Quake Wars Cheats

Enemy Territory – Quake Wars

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Arindam sarkar
Updated by: N/A

Attention: Change camera – If you don’t have a full-size keyboard you will not be able
to change the camera view when in vehicles. Go to Options –> Controls –> Vehicles. Home
is the default key for full-size keyboards. For smaller keyboards select “Change camera”
and “Double (left) click to bind a key” on “Not Bound” then press a key for “Change camera”
such as kp home (keypad 7) on the right of the keyboard.

Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+ ~ during game play in single player mode to display the console window.

If you don’t have a full-size keyboard press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+ ¬ (¬ is under Esc) to display
the console window.

Type “net_allowcheats 1” to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following cheats.

Add more bots (no need to enter net_allowcheats 1)
si_maxplayers 32

Now go on the Limbo Menu -> Admin -> Players and click on Add bots.
If you click on the Random box, to the left of Add bots, you can choose a team to add bots
to – GDF or Strogg. When you add a bot the number in each team (at the top-left) goes up.
You can add up to 32 bots in total.

Code Result
net_allowcheats 1 – Activate cheats

god – Infinite health, you have to type this everytime you respawn.
You will still be killed by Strogg energy shields and the slipgate
(on Slipgate map), unless hacked, if you are GDF on foot but not if
you are Strogg. If you are GDF in a vehicle (except Husky) you can
pass through the Strogg energy shields. APTs and Base Defence Turrets
won’t fire at you if you are on foot but Base Defence Turrets and
AVTs will fire at you if you’re in a vehicle but they won’t harm you,
re-enter to disable.

give ammo – Gives ammo, not infinite and doesn’t work all the time.

noclip – Makes you go through walls. You can’t go through the slipgate on
Slipgate map but you can pass through Strogg energy shields,
re-enter to disable.

g_maxproficiency 1 – Gves you and all bots all the unlocks (proficiencies) and promotes
you and all bots to the last rank – Supreme Commander after respawning.
Entering g_maxproficiency 0 doesn’t seem to disable it.

notarget – Enemy bots on foot and enemy bots in vehicles won’t shoot at you but
enemy turrets (APT, AVT and Base Defence Turrets) will.
You have to be alive to activate this cheat, re-enter to disable.

pm_thirdperson 1 – Third person view, enter pm_thirdperson 0 to disable.

give health – Additional health.

spawn vehicle_name – Spawn indicated vehicle.

spawn deployable_name – Spawn deployable unit.

Note: To disable all the cheats enter net_allowcheats 0.
You can push players with the G key.

There are other cheats but these are the only ones I can think of at the moment.

If your computer is fast and you’re frustrated with the locked 30 FPS, bring down your
console with ctrl + alt + ~ and type the following:

com_unlockFPS 1
com_unlock_timingMethod 2
com_unlock_maxFPS [any multiple of 30]

Spawning Vehicles:
Hit [Ctrl]+[Alt]+ ~ (or [Ctrl]+[Alt]+ ¬ (¬ is under Esc) if you don’t have a full size
keyboard) then enter the codes below to spawn the desired vehicle.

-=GDF Vehicles=-
spawn vehicle_husky – husky
spawn vehicle_titan – titan
spawn vehicle_anansi – anansi
spawn vehicle_bumblebee – bumblebee
spawn vehicle_mcp – mcp
spawn vehicle_platypus – platypus
spawn vehicle_trojan – trojan
spawn vehicle_badger – badger (original name for armadillo)

-=Strogg Vehicles=-
spawn vehicle_icarus – icarus
spawn vehicle_hog – hog
spawn vehicle_desecrator – desecrator
spawn vehicle_goliath – goliath (original name for cyclops)
spawn vehicle_hornet – hornet (original name for tormentor)

spawn deployable_X – Where X is a deployable name e.g.,

spawn deployable_antipersonnel_gdf – GDF APT
spawn deployable_antipersonnel_strogg – Strogg APT
spawn deployable_antiarmour_gdf – GDF AVT
spawn deployable_antiarmour_strogg – Strogg AVT
spawn deployable_amt_gdf – GDF AAT
spawn deployable_shield_generator – Strogg AAT
spawn deployable_radar – GDF Radar
spawn deployable_psi – Strogg PSI Radar
spawn deployable_artillery – GDF Artillery Gun
spawn deployable_railhowitzer – Strogg Rail Howitzer
spawn deployable_rockets – GDF Rocket Artillery
spawn deployable_plasmamortar – Strogg Plasma Mortar
spawn deployable_ssm – GDF Hammer Launcher
spawn deployable_ssg – Strogg Dark Matter Cannon

* If you place fire support deployables (last 6) your Field Ops/Oppressor can’t use them.

* You can place APTs, AVTs, AATs and Radars and they will work.

* You don’t earn XP or Proficiency (rewards) from these deployables and the deployable
doesn’t have a name above it.

* It just says [APT] name or [AVT] name on the kill text.

* You gain XP and Proficiency (rewards) if you place a vehicle down and get in it and run a
player over or shoot someone with its weapon, though.

* When you place down vehicles and deployables they are facing you.

* If you try to spawn GDF vehicles (except Husky and Platypus) on maps where they are not
available they will look psychedelic as they have no colour on these maps.
A message is displayed in the console window “No Skin Set For [vehicle name]”.

Note: If you spawn vehicles and deployables on the Ark and Salvage maps they will be painted
in the arctic paint. If you spawn the Platypus on The Ark map it will also be painted in the
arctic paint.

spawn mountable_weapon_gdf – GDF Mountable Weapon
spawn deployable_basedefence_gdf – GDF Base Defence
spawn deployable_basedefence_strogg – Strogg Base Defence
spawn deployable_amt_gdf_cc – GDF base AAT regular paint
spawn deployable_amt_gdf_cc_arctic – GDF base AAT arctic paint
(used on The Ark and Salvage maps in the base)

To change class without respawning:

-=For GDF type:=-
give class soldier
give class medic
give class engineer
give class fieldops
give class covertops

_=For Strogg type:=-
give class aggressor
give class technician
give class constructor
give class oppressor
give class infiltrator

If you have placed a vehicle, deployable or have any other cheats on it won’t remove them
when you change class with the give class cheat.

-=Change the hue of the sky=-
setatmosphere area22_01
setatmosphere ark_clear
setatmosphere canyon_new
setatmosphere island_final
setatmosphere outskirts_revised
setatmosphere quarry_cold
setatmosphere refinery01
setatmosphere salvage_tweak
setatmosphere sewer_bright
setatmosphere slipgate_desert01
setatmosphere slipgate_snow01
setatmosphere slipgate_portal
setatmosphere valley01
setatmosphere volcano

Note: The atmosphere on the Outskirts map is foggy but if you change it to a different sky
some building structures pop up when you get near them.

Achievements List:
Total number of Single Player Achievements: 29
Total number of Multiplayer Achievements: 21
Total Points: 1000

North America (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Easy Difficulty.

North America (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Medium Difficulty.

North America (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Hard Difficulty.

Northern Europe (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Easy Difficulty.

Northern Europe (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Medium Difficulty.

Northern Europe (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Hard Difficulty.

Africa (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Easy Difficulty.

Africa (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Medium Difficulty.

Africa (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Hard Difficulty.

Pacific (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Easy Difficulty.

Pacific (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Medium Difficulty.

Pacific (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Hard Difficulty.

Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Complete Every Campaign.

Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Easy.

Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Medium.

Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Hard.

Go Getter
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Earn 25 stars in a Campaign.

Man of Action
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Earn 50 stars in a Campaign.

Hot Shot
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Earn 100 stars in Campaign Mode.

Take Charge
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Level with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks.

Born Leader
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks.

Beat the Clock
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Stopwatch Match.

Stick to the Plan
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Objective Match.

Tempus Fugit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels in Stopwatch Mode.

Mission Accomplished
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels in Objective Mode.

Paved the Way
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Win All Levels as Strogg.

Sent Them Packing
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Win All Levels as GDF.

Top Dog
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Instant Action Complete.

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Training Complete.

Commando: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.

Commando: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.

Commando: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.

Corpsman: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.

Corpsman: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.

Corpsman: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.

Emissary: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.

Emissary: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.

Emissary: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.

Munitions: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.

Munitions: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.

Munitions: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.

Fortifier: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor.

Fortifier: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor.

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