Filed under: PC games cheats

Escape from Hen – Roost Cheats

Escape from Hen – Roost

Cheat Codes:
At any moment during the game, press one of the following keys:

Key Effect
– Destroy all enemies present on the screen.
F4 – Skip current level.

Note: Using the cheats will set your score to 0.
Level Passwords:
Press P to open the password window and enter one of the following:

Barracks, yard : deadhen
Hall of Fame : chicky
Shooting Practice : henny
Labs entrance : baklava
Time labs : patlamb
Future part 1 : henman
Power Chicken : robotnot
My HQ : kokoloko
Maze part 1 : chiqita
Kuke De-mon : henopoli

Submitted by: Conner54

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