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Etherlords II Cheats

Etherlords II

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Adventure-mode codes:
Press “~” to open console (the same for remove console too), type “EtherRevelation”
and press “Enter”. Now you can uses the codes from following table:

Effect Mode Code
Remove fog of war – Adventure – open_fog
Restore fog of war – Adventure – hide_fog
Lose mission – Adventure – lose
Win mission – Adventure – win
Quick save – Adventure – save
Quick load – Adventure – load
Player information – Adventure – player
15 of all resources – Adventure – give all
Resource information – Adventure – view resources
view heroes – Adventure – view heroes
Lose battle – Combat – lose
Win battle – Combat – win
Reveal enemy hand – Combat – view_hand
Hide enemy hand – Combat – hide_hand
Swap you and enemy – Combat – swap
Information about army – Combat – view army
Information about hand – Combat – view hand
Information about combatant – Combat – view players
List spell/creature codes (2) – Combat – view spells
Instantly add indicated spell (3) – Combat – add spell [spell code]
Instantly add creature to army (4) – Combat – add creature [creature code]
Set hero’s health (5) – Combat – change health [number]
Set hero’s mana – Combat – change mana [number]
Set hero’s mana links – Combat – change links [number]
Set enemy hero’s health – Combat – change enemy [number]
view creature – Combat – view creature
How many hero (1) – Combat – spec
Set enemy hero’s health – Combat – change enemy health [number]
Set enemy hero’s mana – Combat – change enemy mana [number]
Set enemy hero’s mana links – Combat – change enemy links [number]

(1) Tells how many hero specializations out of 10000 have been successful.
(2) Lists the 4 character code of all spells and creatures.
(3) Instantly adds a card defined by a 4 character code to your hand.
Ex: “add spell TIWR”
(4) Instantly adds a creature defined by a 4 character code to your army.
Ex: ‘add creature TIWR’
(5) Changes the amount of your hero’s health. Ex:’change health 52′

Submitted by: Jay Klampert

Etherlord 2-4 letter (XXXX) cheat codes for all spells.
Message : AILK – Air Link

ALNS – Mark of pale
ALST – Alpha Strike
AMNS – Amnesia
ANFR – Ancient Forest
ANHL – Annihilation
ASLT – Assault
ASST – Ash Storm
AWAK – Renewal

BANN – Sclerosis
BASO – Barbed Souls
BDEX – Body Exchange
BLKD – Defense
BLNC – Forces of Balance
BLSS – Bless
BNSH – Dissipate
BRGR – Burning Graves
BROT – Burnout
BRRD – Fire
BRRL – Broken Reality

CANV – Forces of Sacrifice
CHCM – Change of Command
CHNL – Ether Trade
CLIG – Calling Lightning
CLNP – Lesser Disenchant
CLON – Clone
CLSN – Cleansing
CMBN – Martydom
CNAR – Condensed Air
CNBL – Cannibalism
COMT – Comet
COPL – Life Channel
CRBL – Crystal Ball
CRHG – Curse of Hunger
CRIV – Crackling Ivies
CTST – Catastrophe
CURS – Curse

DECN – Greater Disenchantment
DELS – Delusion
DISM – Disempower
DMRD – Dominance
DNFR – Dense Forest
DOMN – Dominance
DPGS – Depressing Gas
DRFR – Dark Forest
DRGS – Drowsy Gas
DSIG – Disintegrate
DWND – Dwindle

ENAL – Energize all
ENBR – Energy Barrier
ENFL – Enfeeblement
ENFR – Enforcements
ENLH – Enlightenment
ENRG – Energize
ENVM – Envenoming
ENWO – Endurance of the Woods
ERBN – Earth Bonds
ERQA – Earthquake
ETAM – Ether Defense
ETCH – Ether Resonance
ETTD – Sacrificial Cleansing
EXIL – Exile

FAIL – Failure
FDBK – Feedback
FLOD – Flood
FOGG – Fog
FLIC – Flame Lick
FRBL – Fireball
FRGS – Frenzy Gas
FRNT – Fury of Nature
FRST – Firestorm
FRWA – Fire Wave
FRWN – Fresh Wind
FTCH – Fetch
FTDS – Fatal Disease
FURY – Fury

GBNS – Vaporize
GCWR – Greater Creature Warding
GEWR – Greater Enchantment Warding
GEYS – Geyser
GIFT – Gift
GLDT – Glitterdust
GRHE – Greater Healing
GRUN – Greater Unsummoning
GRWR – Greater Sorcery Warding

HAST – Haste
HEAL – Healing
HOAM – Hostile Ambience
HRCN – Hurricane
HUNG – Hunger

ICST – Ice Storm
IMMB – Immobilize
IMML – Rage
INCR – Inconsistent Reality
IRRT – Irritation

JRRG – Reanimate
JUST – Power of Balance
JYHD – Anger

LCWR – Lesser Creature Warding
LEWR – Lesser Enchantment Warding
LFGR – Lifeguard
LGST – Lightening Storm
LNRD – Reflection
LQRL – Steal Reality
LSDS – Timidity
LSHE – Lesser Healing
LSPC – Data Surge
LSST – Lesser Strength
LSWR – Lesser Sorcery Warding
LSUS – Lesser Unsummoning

MALS – Malison
MDBL – Mind Blast
MDNS – Madness
MDWP – Mindwipe
MGHT – Might
MNBN – Ether Burn
MNBR – Ether Breeze
MNDP – Ether Drop
MNDW – Ether Draw
MNST – Ether Storm
MNTH – Ether Thorns
MNTP – Ether Tap
MNTX – Ether Harvest
MNVR – Ether Vortex

NOIS – Noise

OBLS – Blast
OCLV – Cleave
OCRP – Cripple
OEXC – Transfer Aspects
OFLX – Flux
OMSW – Pale Theft
OMWP – Pale Calamity
ORFT – Pale Revival
ORPL – Ripple
OVRL – Overload

PALN – Pain Link
PCDU – Dust
PLMR – Polymorph
PLSL – Seal
PLWP – Pale Warp
PNBN – Lock Aspect
PRFY – Purify
PRWR – Aspect Ward
PRWT – Paleness
PSBR – Poison Breath
PWTP – Power Tap

QKFX – Quick Fix

RBRT – Revive
RDCM – Command
RDDF – Defense
RDHL – Healing
RDIS – Insanity
RDLG – Lightning
RDRS – Resurrection
RECL – Data Impluse
REDR – Redirect
REPR – Repair
RIFT – Rift
RIOT – Riot
RNST – Rain of Stones
RPST – Repair Station
RVHG – Ravaging Hunger
RVHL – River Halo

SACR – Dissolution
SCBR – Second Birth
SCSK – Scale Skin
SEHO – Sea halo
SFGS – Suffocating Gas
SGHT – Spell Breaker
SHCL – Sharp Claws
SHFR – Shield of Force
SHSK – Shell Skin
SLRP – Self Repair
SMOK – Smoke
SNCR – Stone Circle
SNHG – Stonehenge
SNOV – Supernova
SNRG – Stone Ring
SPBA – Spirit of the Basilisk
SPBR – Purification
SPLK – Ether Feeding
SPRG – Destruction
SPTR – Thirsty Creatures
SPWB – Spiritual Web
SPWR – Spirit of War
STAT – Strong Attack
STRG – Strength
STSI – Stasis
STSK – Stone Skin
STTX – Strong Toxin
STWO – Strength of Woods
SWHL – Swamp Halo
SYMB – Symbiosis

TGSK – Tough Skin
THIF – Thief
TPLF – Tap Life
TRAD – Weird Exchange
TREM – Tremor
TRLB – Data Attraction
TWEN – Twisted Enchantment
TWST – Twister

UNSM – Unsummon
UPGD – Blessing of the Woods

VOLC – Volcano
VTLY – Vitality

WEAK – Weaken
WETX – Weak Toxin
WHAS – Whirling Ashes
WNBL – Bless
WNFL – Winds of Flame
WNPZ – Paralyzation
WRBN – Unity
WTLK – Water Link

ZAPP – Zap

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