Filed under: PC games cheats

Europa Universalis IV: Dharma Cheats

Europa Universalis IV: Dharma

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Command Cheat Codes:
Press ~ (tilde) for the command box to come up and then type one of the following
cheat codes below.

Effect Code
Extra Money – Cash (Number)
Add’s Stability – stability
Extra Manpower – manpower (Insert Number)
Add casus belli against target country – add_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
Add core – add_core [Province ID]
Add natives to given province – add_natives [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Add opinion to/from tag – add_opinion [Country tag]
Add papal influence to tag – add_pi [Country tag]
Add patriach authority to tag – add_pa [Country tag]
Add reform level to the empire – add_reformlevel [Amount]
Add specified country tag – add_interest [Country tag]
Adds a colonist to a country – add_colonist [Country tag]
Adds a heir of a tag eg: add_heir 51 – add_heir [Target Country Tag]
Adds a missionary to a country – add_missionary [Country tag]
Adds diplomatic entroute – add_diplo
Adds more humans – morehumans [number]
Adds Piety – piety
Adds population to a province – population [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Adds Prestige – prestige
Adds the specified idea group – power [stability/tech_table_key/idea_key]
Adds the specified idea group – add_idea_group [Idea group key]
Begin annex/annexes the specified tag – annex [Target Country Tag]
Begin integrate the specified tag – integrate [Target Country Tag]
Change controller – controll [Province ID]
Change mapmode. – mapmode [Mapmode type (int)]
Change ownership – own [Province ID]
Changes the currently playing sound – nextsong
Clears the console. – clear
Creates an savefile – savegame
Discover capital of target tag – discover [Target Country Tag]
Double Rainbow help from an unicorn – helphelp
Enables/Disables Self-Learning AI – selflearningai
Executes an event eg: event 3041 51 – event [event id] [Target Country Tag]
Fog of War turned off! – fow off
Fog of War turned on ! – fow on
force Polls valid Events – poll
Get administrative power – adm [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]
Get diplomatic power – dip [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]
Get military power – mil [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]
Get power in all powers – powerpoints [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]
Gives max war score in all wars – winwars
Go to the nudge tool – nudge
Combat view give a random sound?
(0-50 0 the lowest 50 the highest – combatsound
Increase your Imperial Authority – imperial_authority [VALUE]
Kills the first cardinal in the list – kill_cardinal
Kills the heir of a tag – kill_heir [Target Country Tag]
Kills the monarch of a tag eg: kill 51 – die(kill) [Target Country Tag]
Make the client go oos – oos
Price Info. recorded on the gamelog – prices
Print out all console commands – help [command name]
Prints out the used memory – memory
Region Balance output – balance
Reloads the entire interface – reloadinterface
Reloads the gui (reload gui) – reload [VAR]
Remove casus belli from target country – remove_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
Remove core – remove_core [Province ID]
Requests the gamestate from host – requestgamestate
Score output – score
Set the legitimacy of the ruler – legitimacy [AMOUNT]
Sets a forced sprite level – spritelevel [Sprite level]
Sets the missionary progress/province – setmissionaryprogress [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Shows all votes for a cardinal – papvotes
Shows your IP – IP
Starts a Pirate in a province – pirate [Province ID]
Starts a Revolt in a province – revolt [Province ID]
Switch tag to another country – tag [Country tag]
Switches to play no country at all – observe(spectator)
Tests a mission without triggering it – testmission [Mission Name]
Tests an event without triggering it – testevent [Event ID] [Character ID]
Toggles additional AI info – aiview
Toggles AI positive responses – yesman
Toggles all messages popup – msg
Toggles debug display – collision(debug_collision)
Toggles fullscreen – fullscreen
Toggles Terra Incognita on/off – ti(debug_ti)
Toggles the pausebanner/screenshots – nopausetext
Turns off fog of war in a province – fow(debug_fow) [Province ID OPTIONAL]
Validates all events – validateevents
Vassalize the specified tag – vassalize [Target Country Tag]
W00t What time is it? i play too much – time
Wins the siege – siege [Province ID]

Philospher Rush of colonists – Event 4021 5022
Natural Scientist Rush of merchants – 4022 5023
Army Reformer Diplomatic event – 4023 5024
Naval reformer Invest in government – 4024 5040
Artist Fortunes of war – 4025 718
Treasurer Infamy loss – 4026 857
Theologian war exhaustion loss – 4027 860
Statesman Colonists – 4028 862
Colonial Governor land tech – 4029 866
Spymaster naval tech – 4030 867
Diplomat trade tech – 4031 868
Trader gov tech – 4032 869
Master of Mint prod tech – 4104 870
Navigator civil war – 4110 6018
Grand captain – 4114
Army Organiser – 4115
Commandant – 4116
Quartermaster – 4117
Recruitmaster – 4118
Fortification exper – 4119
Inquisitor – 4120
Military Reform – 4011 5027 5032
Excellent minister – 5015
Exceptional year – 5019 5020 5021

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