Filed under: PC games cheats

Evolva Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: rickHH

* Carefully manage the upgrading of all your hunters.
* Remember where you left meat and send your weaker hunters to grab it.
* Upgrade your hunters along unique lines. Keep in mind that you want
combined arms here, with each hunter a specialist in his own field,
rather than a team of the same character.
* The Goo Gun fires a flammable substance with which you can coat enemies.
* Switch to the flamethrower if you like your DNA deep-fried.

Debug Mode and First Person View:
* This code only works with the bump mapping patch.
* Go into the mutator screen and change your team name to “extrastuff”
(without the quotations) exit the mutator screen and save your game.
* Go into the options menu and select configure controls.
* Scroll down to the bottom to see the commands for Debug and first person view.

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