Filed under: PC games cheats

Extreme Assault Cheats

Extreme Assault

Cheat Codes:
Update by: amir farzad forughy

Cheat Codes:
At the main menu type “oh_dear” to enable the cheat codes.
Then press in the game :

Code Effect
alt + 0 – turn the magma on
alt + 1 – full ammo
alt + 2 – weapon upgrade
alt + 3 – energy up
alt + 4 – god mode
alt + 6 – end mission
alt + 7 – deactivate enemies
alt + 8 – change to heli mode
alt + 9 – change to tank mode

Teleport to safety:
Alt + Ctrl + 0

Pre-recorded multiplayer messages:
Enter HAMMER as a name in network mode. A set of bonus pre-recorded
messages will be available during gameplay.

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