Filed under: PC games cheats

F-15 Strike Eagle 3 Cheats

F-15 Strike Eagle 3

General tactics:
1. When arming your F-15 don’t go for the default weapons selection.
Arm the wing bomb and the CFT hardpoints with either MK84s MK82s
MK20s or CBU87Bs. All these are iron bombs so you don’t have to faff
around with fancy electronic guiding systems – you simply line them
up and let them drop.

2. When you are arming the wing missile hardpoint you don’t have to
be stuck with the short-range AIM-9M Sidewinders. To load them with
the superior AIM-120A Ammraams first remove the AIM-9Ms then cycle
through the available weapons and select something totally different.
Now cycle through the weapons again and you find that the AIM-120A
has become available. Select that and it appears on the wing missile

3. During battle you may find that your plane becomes severely damaged
leaving you on the verge of destruction but all is not necessarily
lost. Press [ALT]+[T] to switch to training mode because this prevents
you from recieving any more damage from enemy fire. Now press ALT+R
to completely restock your plane – armour and fuel. You cantale on
the enemy with no fear of dying but when you return to your base you
recieve no points at all.

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