Filed under: PC games cheats

Grow Cube Cheats

Grow Cube

Submitted by: RM

1 – people
2 – water
3 – plants
4 – pot
5 – pipe
6 – fire
7 – dish
8 – bone
9 – ball
10 -spring

Object 1 – Man
Object 2 – Water
Object 3 – Forest
Object 4 – Pot
Object 5 – Pipe
Object 6 – Fire
Object 7 – Dish
Object 8 – Bone
Object 9 – Spring
Object 10 – Ball

Game complete:
First put in the human then the water then add the seeds then the pot
next is the tube then the fire and then the in tube and next in will
be the bone then the springs and last is the ball. Its easier than it

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