Filed under: PC games cheats

Guilty Gear – X2 Reload Cheats

Guilty Gear – X2 Reload

Submitted by: BoneK

Password Result
klifarc – unlock kliff in arcade mode.
klifftranstomis – unlock kliff in training, story modes.
jusiarc – justice in arcade mode.
jusitranstomis – justice in traning, story modes.

Submitted by: jainil

Type ‘mish1’ to complete mission no 1 and then go on typing till ‘mish100’
to complete all misions.

Increase your tension level:
Submitted by: kunal narayankar
Email: kunalnarayan91@gmail.com

* Run towards your enemy by pressing forward key three times doing this will
increase your tension level and you can release your special powers.
* In Robo-ky you just need to open the red platform.

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