Filed under: PC games cheats

Gun Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

Unlimited ammunition:
Take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine. Find the abandoned house in the
Badlands where the buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house on the outside.
ace the chimney (looking west) and place the TNT barrel on the left side of
the chimney. Blow up the TNT barrel to open a hole in the ground with unlimited
ammunition for all weapons.

Defeating Reed:
Never let Reed out of your sight. If he is by himself and you cannot see him,
he gains life.

Desecrate Hoodoo’s corpse:
After you defeat Hoodoo, there will be a intermission sequence showing him dead
standing up in a coffin. After the sequence, he will still be in west empire
standing in the grave. You can take out your double-barrel shotgun and shoot him
a few times in some areas. You can shoot off his head, arm, and both of his legs.
leaving a corpse floating in an up-right coffin.

Dual Peacemakers:
Defeat Reed.

Easy money:
You can make more money on the bounty hunter side missions by capturing
bounties alive. When you find a wanted poster that offers more money if
you capture them alive and are having trouble doing so, use the following
trick. Kill all gang members or bodyguards (if any). If the bounty is on
a horse, kill the horse. Get close and melee attack. This will stun the
fugitive and present an opportunity to grab them. Then, subdue the fugitive.
This awards you more money for each bounty. If you accidentally release him,
you can try to melee him and grab him again. However, if you do this too
many times or if he has been shot, you may kill him and get less money.

Easy poker game wins:
When you are playing Texas Hold ’em inside the Alhambra, you can easily
win with or without a good hand. Raise the bid to the maximum. This should
make at least one to three players fold. You can then cheat to make your
hand better, and if it is a worse card, forget about the cheat card and go
back to your original hand. Afterwards, keep checking your hands until one
of you wins. It should be you most of the time. Do not worry if you lose;
the tournaments are free.

End of poker cheating:
When playing Texas Hold ’em after the tournaments in the Alhambra, you will
no longer have the option of cheating.

Faster riding:
Hold [Dash] while repeatedly jumping your horse to travel about double the

* Successfully complete story mode to unlock Reed’s armored horse, Magruder’s
seven barrel Nock gun, and the Cannon Nock gun.
* Successfully complete Pony Express to unlock silver spurs.
* Successfully complete Hunting to unlock the Apache shirt.

Submitted by: Shankar J
E-mail :shankarjayaraj@yahoo.co.in

How to beat Magruder in the final:
After u kill Duchie,the right hand of Magruder,then ur quest 4 Magruder begins in
his mine,after many kills u ll meet magruder in the lost city of gold. When u face
directly with Magruder u ll be killed after some time,so u run staight towards the
pillar when the mission starts,when u reach the pillar u can see some space behind
it, u ll be safe there.Then u should equip urself with dynamite-Bow then aim to the
volcanic site with can cause expolsion damage to Magruder,since he is invinsible
to dynamite, so this method can be used to decrease his health to three fourth of
his life.Then Magruder goes to the balcony like struture, there he throws dynamite.
When u shoot bullets @ him,he will become angry and will throw dynamite pack which
is stronger than the ordinary dynamite so here use ur Quickdraw to blast that dynamite
until that balcony becomes unstable so that rocks fall on Magruder to complete ur
revenge.After completing this mission u ll get Magruder’s
seven barrel Nock gun. N’joy PlayiNg…..

Submitted by; Shankar J
E-mail :Shankarjayaraj@yahoo.co.in

How to become INVINSIBLE:
After u finish the whole game u ll be able to unlock Magruder’s nock cannon and Reed’s
armoured Stallion.U can find the stallion in the magruder’s Mine, when u load the game
u ll find urself in the magruder’s
mine with the stallion. the Stallion is the fastest of all the horses. It’s health will
not decrease when v r in the attack area.So when ur on the Stallion,ur INVINSIBLE…..

Whiskey cache:
Go to Dodge City. Go to the lower part of the bridge. Follow the path on the other
side to reach a beach cave. Look inside for whiskey which will reappear over time
after you leave the area. Note: The cave also contains ammunition and money.

Go to the Indian Hunter’s hut, which you can find on your map. Once there, go to the
building to the left of the hut, with the stairs going up the side. Go up the first
set of stairs, and continue going straight. You should see a spout-type object coming
out of the side of the building. Jump onto that spout, and walk toward the wall of
the building. If done correctly, you should go through the wall, and into the inside
of the house. There is only a small ledge for you to drop onto inside, so move slowly.
Once inside, look to your left and you should see three whiskey bottles on the ground.
You can pick these up as many times as desired and they will never go away.

Securing the bridge:
Use the following trick to quickly finish the fire arrow level of securing the bridge.
When shooting arrows, choose a spot for the crosshairs that lets you shoot the arrows
that come from different directions. When the Indians jump over the wall do not shoot.
Run around the TNT then kill them with melee attacks. When Quick Killer appears, only
shoot when he is right away from the barrels. You are better off just using melee and
your flask. Quick Killer is not too difficult to defeat.

Hunting side missions:
When doing the hunting side missions, on the third animal to hunt (should be a wolf),
just go to the Indian salesman. Talk to him (you do not need to buy anything). Exit
from the conversation, then immediately crouch. You should get a message stating that
the wolf is near. Walk toward the lake and he should be on your right hand side.
If not, he is somewhere close.

Ammunition cache:
Take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine. Find the abandoned house in the Badlands
where the buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house on the outside. Face the chimney
(looking west) and place the TNT barrel on the left side of the chimney.
Blow up the TNT barrel to open a hole in the ground with ammunition for all weapons.
The ammunition will reappear over time after you leave the area.

Mission select:
Successfully complete the game. Go back to the first area in the game (Blackfoot
Territory). Locate the higher boulder that leads up to a ledge and a gap. While on
a horse at the left side of that boulder, jump and use your spurs until you land
on top of the boulder. Then, get onto the ledge. Ride across the next two areas.
Then stop between the two rocks in the water. Hold V + [Shift] + C + [Space] + Left
Mouse Button until the confirmation sound is played. Enter the options screen and a
new option named “Gun” will appear. Once selected, you can replay any main mission
or side mission (from checkpoints if desired), view the intermission sequences, and
toggle the help messages. Note: You will have your current weapons, items, and skills
when a mission is replayed.

Replay Any Mission or Cutscene:
When you have completed the game go back to the Blackfoot Territory at the start of
the game and go to the left of the higher boulder which leads up to the ledge which
has the gap (to get there you have to spur your horse). Then cross the next two
areas you come across and when you are in the water stand between the two rocks
and press and hold V (Throw weapon) + Shift (Crouch) + LMB (Draw weapon) + C
(Quickdraw) + Space (Jump) and after several seconds you will hear a confirmation
sound if you entered the code correctly. When you now go to the ‘Main’ menu for a
new selection – Gun you will be able to select any mission or cutscene and keep
ALL weapons, Skills and items you may of had.

Secret Items:
The following items can only be done by doing certain tasks.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Nock Gun – Defeat Mugrader in the Mine
Cannon Nock Gun – Complete all missions
Reverend Reed’s Horse – Complete all missions

Defeating Reed:
Never let Reed out of your sight. If he is by himself and you cannot see him, he
gains life. This is very difficult at first. Before you start the mission, go back
to Empire City and Dodge City and get as many weapon upgrades as possible. Do about
60 to 70 percent of the side missions beforehand. Use the upgrades for mostly the
rifle and bow, and the health upgrade for your horse. Once you bring these stats
up, go to the mission and defeat Hollister again. Then, defeat Magruder’s riders.
Once that is done, open the safe and Reed will show up. You will start behind a
rock. Take out the newly acquired rifle obtained from Hollister, get on the horse
to the left, and chase after him. Keep shooting him. It will take about three
minutes to kill him. Do not lose sight of him, or his health will go up. Use the
bow and arrows. Make sure you are full up on whiskey. When you hit him with the
first arrow, he will not run. He will continue to fire at you, though not nearly
as often. Just launch one arrow after another (several are required) until you
drain his life and he falls off the horse. Corner Reed while he is on his horse.
Quickly get of your horse, then run up and start using the melee. Make sure to
heal and he will die quickly. Make sure that you are full on whisky and shotgun
ammunition. Stay behind Reed and aim for his head with the double-barreled

Unlimited Health:
Walk underneath Dodge bridge (down the slope) and keep on walking untill you get to
the other side. Walk down that slope and look to your left, walk foward and do
another left turn. Keep on walking until you get to the river, look left once more
and walk untill you come into a cave, there you will find unlimited health bottles.

Hunting Missions Animal Locations:
Grey Wolf – The Plains just past the bridge leading out of Dodge City,
or to the west of the ranch in the badlands.
Great White Bufallo – The Field in the badlands where all the other bufallo are.
White Wolf – By Piper Lake or by the stream next to the Indian Trader.
Great Mountain Lion – By a hut in the deserty bit past piper lake.
Black Wolf – Either behind the Mine in the badlands or over a little hills
into a little secluded area next to the ranch.
Grizzly – Just Outside Empire on the edge of the badlands outside the
tunnel then it runs to its cave on the edge of empire.

Defeating Magruder:
You can’t kill Magruder by shooting him, since he is wearing armor plating. Instead,
use the bow with exploding arrows. Get Magruder to chase you. As you are backing
away, shoot an arrow at a geyser when he walks over it. Magruder will be damaged
by the exploding fire. Then, when he is on the higher level, shoot him in the head
with the rifle until he starts yelling, then go into Quickdraw mode. Shoot the
dynamite when he throws it. After shooting a few sticks of dynamite, the roof
will collapse on him.

Collecting Bounties:
Capture bounties alive to earn more money from them. If there’s an extra reward for
bringing them in alive, kill everyone and everything (including horses) except the
fugitive. Get close and use melee attack to stun and grab him. Then, subdue him. If
you accidentally release him, melee him and grab him again. However, if you do this
too many times you might kill him.

Faster Riding:
Hold Dash while jumping repeatedly on your horse to travel about twice the speed.

Hole In The Wall:
If you take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine and put it on the north end of
the old abandoned house’s chimney. The explosion will open up a hole in the ground
with unlimited ammunition. To get there, get out of Dodge City. Make your way to the
Badlands (use your map for directions) and head into the field that has several
horses and buffalo. The house and the mine with the TNT will be right next to you.

Quarry Respawn:
If you scared off the quarry in the Hunt side-missions, just remember where it was
and go to the nearest trader. After you talk to him and return to where the animal
disappeared, it will be there again.

Enough Talk, Let’s Drink. Free Whiskey:
Go to the bridge over at Dodge and go to the bottom by the river. Follow the river
(leftwards) until you come to a little cavern. Inside are several whiskey bottles.

Finish the whole game with a 100% complete and you will get two extras: the Cannon
Nock gun in your inventory and Reverend Reed’s horse waiting at the Magruder Mine.

Submitted by: TANMAY SARKAR

After saving atleast two times delete the first file from
(My documentActivationGun) means when you delete old save game you will get more save.
But do in before reaching 30th save.

Skip The Battle With Hoodoo:
Submitted by: Milan

During the battle with Hoodoo in his casino, you will notice that he is on the balcony
upstairs. By making your way up to the second level, you will find a second set of stairs
that should have red wallpaper on the walls leading up to the third floor. Climb these
stairs to the very top where Hoodoo’s office is.
This should skip the battle and immediately let you finish him off.

Easy poker game wins:
The betting works as follows. Each player is part of a small blind and big blind. The
one with the biggest blind starts the betting first, and four steps are performed. The
first is called the starting card. You can choose to raise your money to the highest
bidder and you must get at least one of the winning hands to get a good suit of cards,
not forgetting your community cards. You can choose to fold or to hold onto your better
card. Be careful, because sometimes this makes the other players win. It is not just
about betting. It is about making decisions on how to create the best hand of the cards.
Whoever gets any of the winning hands first wins the pot and gets some money from the
players. The four steps to do this is are Start, The Flop, The Turn, The River. Once you
are the on The River, you finally get to reveal your last card. You can go all in once
you have raised enough chips. If you win you will get a good money bonus. Sometimes you
can call and check, but do not raise too much money even if you know you still have a
good hand as that will make the game difficult.

Defeating Hollister:
Sneak up on him and shoot him once. Then, run off and get behind a rock on top of
risen ground in the middle of the arena. When he is circling the rock your are behind,
you should also circle as well. He will eventually stop and yell at you to come out.
He should pace back and forth slowly while you hide behind your rock. When he stops
and is not facing you, shoot him in the head. Perform this until the point that he
becomes too smart to fall for it again. By then his health should be low enough so
that you can run out and keep shooting while strafing. After you have gotten his
health down all the way there will be a intermission sequence. Look at your compass
at the bottom of the screen. He is the red dot. Find him and he will run at you.
Run, but keep firing at him with your pistols and he will blow up.

Hoodoo battle shortcut:
During the battle with Hoodoo in his casino, notice that he is on the balcony upstairs.
By making your way up to the second level, you will find a second set of stairs that
has red wallpaper on the walls leading up to the third floor. Climb these stairs to
the very top where Hoodoo’s office is located. You should have skipped the battle and
can immediately finish him off.

Unlimited Whiskeys:
Submitted by: the gun master

You don’t have to enter any codes for this cheat but go to the ranch barn place near
the bad lands and go in to the shack, there you’ll find un limited whiskey bottles.

Defeating Hoodoo Brown:
Use Quickdraw with the Volcanic 10 to wipe out his henchman. Do not worry about Hoodoo
until he flees up stairs. When he does, quickly run to the floor below and grab the
whiskey in the bedrooms. You will need them. He will try to shoot you. Take out your
double barrel shotgun and continuously fire at him until you are almost dead or he is
at half health. Then, take out your rifle and get a clear headshot. A cinematic will

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