Filed under: PC games cheats

Half Life – Firearms Cheats

Half Life – Firearms

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: tomato131
E-mail: tomato131@aol.com

Go to RUN on your start menu. Type in – HL.EXE-CONSOLE hit enter.
You will have to start the game like this everytime you want to
cheat. The only thing different will be a console button in the
menu screen. Click on it then type in – SV_CHEATS 1 – this will
enable cheating. hit ESC to go back to the menu screen.
Load your game now. When your game is started stop in a safe
place and hit the Tindle key ~ on your keyboard. (top left under
Esc button) When the screen pops down keyin – SV_CHEATS 1 – enter.
Then keyin /god for god mode or /noclip to fly through walls and
stuff or keyin /give_ammo buckshot or replace buckshot with the
following if you want other stuf – mp5clip, gaussclip,egonclip
(egonclip smetimes crashes the game) 9mmclip.

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