Filed under: PC games cheats

Happy Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Type these cheats in the place where you type your stage password.

Effect Code
Disables all the cheats – haxe-reset
Invincibility – haxe-canttouchme
Lets you carry 10 Happylanders with you – haxe-fullcapacity
No bad guys – haxe-gohomebaddie
Opens the level exit blocks – haxe-opensesame
Stops the timer – haxe-splitseconds

Stage password:
These passwords can be found when you collected 5 Magic Spheres from
a stage.

Effect Password
Hurry Up! (Fast Stage) – forestofblackoaks
Manic Mines 1 – canyouseethemoon(*)
Manic Mines 2 – helecomesyuletide
Manic Mines 3 – whydoyoubulidmeup
Manic Mines 4 (Fast Stage) – themanatetwosocks
Mighty Mountain 1 – thiefofprinces(*)
Mighty Mountain 2 – somethingfishy(*)
Mighty Mountain 3 – dontturnaround
Mighty Mountain 4 – yourkingandqueen
Top Of Terror 1 – carsareoftenbigger
Top Of Terror 2 – angrybearsaregreen
Top Of Terror 3 – sackfullofpotatoes
Wicked Village 1 – maximilliandrake
Wicked Village 2 – wheresthedamncat
Wicked Village 3 – donteatyellowsnow

(*) means this password cannot be aquired in the game, because the
previous level has no blue spheres.

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