Filed under: PC games cheats

Happyland X-Mas Adventure Cheats

Happyland X-Mas Adventure

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following passwords, then press [Enter] to activate
the cheat function.

Result Code
To have invincibility from bad guys & spikes – haxe-canttouchme
To open Level Exit immediately – haxe-opensesame
To hold up to 10 Happylanders at one time – haxe-fullcapacity
To have unlimited time – haxe-splitseconds
To have no bad guys – haxe-gohomebaddie
No enemies – haxegohomebaddie
Jump higher – phlie-pvyutwtoo

Submitted by: Tim

You can collect these codes by collecting the magic speres
(blue balls more like) in secret places in the missions.
Here they come:

Mission 2: Dontturnaround
Mission 3: Yourkingandqueen
Mission 4: Maximilliandrake
Mission 5: Wheresthedamncat
Mission 6: Donteatyellowsnow
Mission 7:
Mission 8: Herecomesyuletide
Last mission: sackfullofpotatoes

other Levelcodes:
Level 1 – (No password needed)
Level 2 – (No password needed)
Level 3 – (No password needed)
Level 4 – dontturnaround
Level 5 – yourkingandqueen
Level 6 – maximilliandrake
Level 7 – wheresthedamncat
Level 8 – donteatyellowsnow
Level 9 – forestofblackoaks
Level 10 – (No password needed)
Level 11 – whydoyoubuildmeup
Level 12 – themanatetwosocks
Level 13 – (No password needed)
Level 14 – angrybearsaregreen
Level 15 – sackfullofpotatoes

Cheats & Levelcodes:
Submitted by: Lizard

Type these in the “Password”
PS: If you don’t like the introduction, press “Esc”

Level Passwords:
Mighty Mountain 3: dontturnaround
Mighty Mountain 4: yourkingandqueen
Wicked Village 1 : maximilliandrake
Wicked Village 2 : wheresthedamncat
Wicked Village 3 : donteatyellowsnow
Hurry Up! Level : forestofblackoaks
Manic Mines 1 : canyouseethemoon
Manic Mines 2 : herecomesyuletide
Manic Mines 3 : whydoyoubuildmeup
Manic Mines 4 : themanatetwosocks
Tops of Terror 1 : carsareoftenbigger
Tops of Terror 2 : angrybearsaregreen
Tops of Terror 3 : sackfullofpotatoes

Submitted by: rebecca harris

haxe-canttouchme – Go to the password on the x-mas one and type this in and
press enter once you quit it goes away

You cant be killed by spikes when you have this on.

Fly cheat:
Submitted by: alison dawes

Phlie-pvyutwtoo – You can jump high without taking the green boot (tool for
jumping higher). type the password and press enter.

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