Filed under: PC games cheats

Hero of Many Cheats

Hero of Many

Submitted by: David K.

Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements
and stats in Steam, select “Community”, then search for the game hub that corresponds
to [Hero of Many]. Select the “View Stats” drop down option, then choose the option for
your username’s achievements.

Captain Slayer – Defeat a Captain.
Collector – Collect 250 energy balls.
Dragon Slayer – Defeat the Daemon Dragon.
Escapist – Escape the whale.
Guardian – Save 200 friends.
Keeper of the Light – Light up all lanterns in The Afterlife.
Rescuer – Save 10 friends.
Resurrection – Return to the world of living.
Reunion – Reunite with the old friend.
Savior – Save 100 friends.
Survivor – Finish each level without dying.
The End – Finish the game.
Tree of Life – Bring The Tree back to life.

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