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Hollow Knight Cheats

Hollow Knight

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Beating the First Pantheon with Full Bindings:
Written by Lemonade River

For those struggling to make this amazing feat, a collection of tips to make you
eventual death come a little later.

-=Vengefly King=-
So we get to the first boss wich you should have absolutely no problem beating but
I understand that there are people that aren’t that good at the game so let’s start.

You ever seen a bullfight? If you haven’t I wouldn’t really recommend it but thats
kind of what we’re going to do, wait for each of the fly’s attacks and respond
accordingly, if he charges at you jump over him and as he’s right below you strike
him and if you want to spice it up dash toward him after that and strike him again
(this won’t always work) and jump back on the platform, if he screams take out the
adds as quickly as you can so they won’t get in your way as you’re landing.
That’s it, pretty easy right?

This one’s pretty simple, every time right after he charges, you can also heal while
he’s screaming but if you dont make it in time he charges quickly after (not always)
and interrupts your healing so it is possible but if you want to keep it safe just
do the first one.

-=Gruz Mother=-
With one boss down we get to the fat fly, pretty easy too (since it’s one of the
first bosses) but it is still part of the pantheon and it kicked my ??? when I tried
to beat it in ascended mode.

I actually got this part from fireb0rn’s video (which is actually a speedrun) so
thanks 🙂 The Gruz Mother has 2 states, normal and bounce, in normal you’re going
to strike her from below and after about 4 to 5 blows you need to dodge her charge
preferably by going over her and when you have your soul charged use howling wraiths
on her. For bounce mode you want to strike her when she hits the ground and move a
little to the side she’s going to (unless you’re against a wall, then you want to
dash while she’s above) and turn back around instantly to strike her again, I find
it easy to sync this to the ryhth of her body banging up and down on the floor and

For healing spots you have after she charges (just make a little distance before
you heal), while she’s banging up and down (again, just make some distance before
actually healing) and right after she stops bouncing.

-=False Knight=-
For the third and actual first boss which is easy to beat and just as easily

When the fight starts dash up to him and start beating him up and when he jumps start
charging you nail art (nail arts and spells are going to be extremely useful throught
the whole pantheon) and use the great slash as soon as he lands, if he jumps towards
you dash under him, if he jumps away from you you can pursue him but he’s probably
going to do his wave attack so keep that in mind. When you finally get him down you
need to stike him four times and when he jumps to the middle of the room stand next
to where he’s going to land (this can get a bit difficult to get right) and use howling
wraiths before he starts smashing, whe he does start smashing dash away (you won’t have
time to walk) and dodge the falling things, you could hit them but its not really necessary.

If you get hit during the fight you really dont have much of an opening, you can heal
when he’s down and because he stays down a while you can actually dream nail him so
you don’t have to sacrifice you magic attack but what I recommend is healing after the
fight is done, you can dream nail the armor for soul and if you’re fast you can get up
to 3 masks healed (I got this one from fireb0rn too).

-=Massive Moss Charger=-
So I literally just did the exact same thing fireb0rn did in his video (I don’t know
where I would be whithout it) so i’m just going to link it.

If you don’t think you can do the whole combo you should keep it to your max and break
it by doing a bounce attack (jumping over the enemy and attacking downwards).

After each attack, really easy but you shouldn’t try it unless you’re sure you’ve got

The Best Charm Combination for Platforming:
Written by Tobetko

When it comes to platforming challenges, you try your best to survive as many
fails as possible. In this guide, i am going to show you the most effective way of
doing it.

I see a lot of people recommending the use of Hiveblood+Grubsong charm combo for
doing White palace and such. Basically, you get hurt, by which Grubsong gives you
+15% Soul. Then you wait 10 seconds for Hiveblood to regenerate that one lost mask,
and do the whole process again. By this, you can indefinitely, although very slowly
gain Soul to heal in tough situations. The charm notch cost for this combo is 5
notches (Hiveblood-4, Grubsong-1). But what if I tell you that there is a more
effective way to do this?

-=Deep focus+Grubsong+Grubberfly’s elegy=-
Now, most people maybe do not know this, but if you combine Grubsong with Grubberfly’s
elegy, the amount of Soul you get when getting hit increases ftom 15% to 26%. That
means that when we get hit two times, we get 52% Soul! This is where Deep Focus comes
in. It uses 33% of Soul (because that is how much Soul focusing takes), and heals both
the masks at once. This means that we did not only remain on our current health, but
we also got 19% spare Soul. The upside of this method is it does not require waiting
as long as Hiveblood to regenerate, and also gives more spare Soul. However, the
downside is its very expensive charm notch cost 8 notches (Deep focus-4, Grubsong-1,
Grubberfly’s elegy-3). Though, I myself have utilised this charm combo only in passing
through White palace, which is pretty late-game, so i already had enough charm notches.

-=Where to get the needed charms=-
Deep focus: Behind a breakable wall on the left side of Crystal Peak, requires Crystal heart.
Grubsong: Reward from Grubfather for saving 10 grubs.
Grubberfly’s elegy: Reward from Grubfather for saving all 46 grubs.

As I look at it, I realise that this combination is for most players accessible only late
midgame/early engame, as saving all the grubs requires stuff such as Monarch wings, Isma’s
Tear, Crystal heart and similarly. Because of this, i find it good utilising only in White
palace, which is an endgame area.

-=The end=-
Thank you for reading this guide! I hope it helped you on your journey through this great game!

How to Defeat Radiant Bosses (Hall of Gods):
Written by Azbesciak

Tips for beating radiant bosses in Hollow Knight’s Hall of gods.

-=What Are Radiant Bosses?=-
Radiant bosses are special difficulty mode for bosses found in Hall of Gods located in
Godhome. They are special version of every boss. What’s so special about them? They have
Infinite Damage ! But fear not! They may appear annoying and hard at beggining but they
are equally easy to nail down (pun not intended) and hopefully this guide will help you!

-=Tips, Tricks and Advices=-
Don’t be afraid of overcharming
That’s probably most obvious one. If you don’t know what overcharming is: If you want
to equip charm that you have too few notches to fit, you can still equip it if you keep
adding it. However you become overcharmed and everything deals double damage. Buuut, on
gamemode where enemies deal infinite damage it don’t matter. Equip as much charms as
possible because even mediocre one notch charm can save your bum

-=Offensive over defensive=-
Like I mentioned ealier there’s no point in making tank build. Two additional masks won’t
help you with one hit K.O. so consider ditching Heart charm for Spell Twister ot Longnail.
It will greatly help you. However! Baldur Shell (Blocking attacks when focusing) and
Carefree melody (Random chance to block any damage) can still protect you. Consider
using them on bosses where Spell-Spam isn’t your priority because they can help greatly
if you struggle with timings or patterns.

-=Practice Ascended bosses=-
If you even want to try radiant boss you have to defeat it ascended form, aka slightly
modified version of vanilla boss, aka radiant boss but with double damage instead of
infnite one. Yep. That’s only difference beetween them. So if you keep dying over and
over, just try to find ascended one first time. Trust me, it helps way more than it seems.

-=You’ll die a lot=-
Yes you can fight every single boss in game, even hardest ones like NKG or PV, and in
their case in 9/10 cases it’s impossible to recover from even smallest mistake, You’ll
die a lot, but don’t get annoyed! If you’re mad you’re less effective what means you’ll
lose more. If you start getting mad at boss, take a small break, do few push-ups, grab a
snack, do something that’ll let you relax.

-=Descending Dark is OP=-
Descending Dark is upgrade for Desolate Dive, you can find it in Crystalized mound and
this spell is really OP at times, if you use it the moment your Knight touches the
ground you get tons of invincibility frames, DDark also deals great damage so paired
with Shaman Stone you get invincibility that deals crazy amount of damage.

-=Change your strategy if needed=-
If you’re at this point in game you most likely defeatet every boss at least once and
established strategy for beating every boss that’s best for you, the thing is it may
not work that good, especially when you’re stressed of dying in one hit, you don’t have
to shift your entire playstyle but even changing single charm can change battle greatly.
For example, did you know that Minion build (Weaversong + Glowing Womb + Grimmchild)
that many players consider very bad is really really good against Nosk?

-=Find your own difficulty curve=-
Some bosses are easier than others, that’s obvious but difficulty always is subjective,
start fighting radiant bosses from easiest to hardest, but do not use community
established difficulty curve, it’s really good in general ranking but everyone has
different playstyles and different weaknesses, here I want to say that Broken Vessel
(One of community choosen easiest bosses) took me five times as much attempts as
Nightmare King Grimm (One of community choosen top 3 hsrdest bosses).

-=Fight your favourite boss first=-
Like I said ealier for me Broken Vessel was harder than NKG himself, but that’s because
said NKG is my favourite boss, I fought him many times just for fun so I remember every
pattern and timing. In game like Hollow Knight everyone has favourite boss, therefore I
reccomend fighting that one first.

-=Don’t push your limits=-
Don’t forget this is just game, even if you’re completionist or achievement Hunter,
there’s no achievement for “Hall of light” and bosses of this game can be genuinely
mentally exhausting. Some peoples enjoy beating one Radiant boss beaten, some enjoy
having hardest ones beaten only, and sone enjoy clearing everyone. Only you can set
your limits here, so please don’t push yourself over something that’s hard for you,
and if you want full “Hall of light” please don’t rush it either, take as much time as
you need, do breaks, play other games etc. Because your health is most importatnt.

Useful Tips for Steel Soul Easy Mode Guide:
Written by GameBoyAdv4002

A methodology of sorts to do Steel Soul easier.

-=General Advice=-
One is None, Two is One

In a mode where losing all you health means losing hours of progress. It is important
to NEVER let it go to zero. My simple solution? Quit the game when your health is at
one. Don’t even try to heal, the risk is not worth it. Quit the game, and return to
your save file. You’ll return to your bench, which might be a pain, but anything is
better than losing the save file.

When facing enemies that deal 2 masks of damage, Two is also None

Extend what I said above to this point as well. Bosses such as the Traitor Lord and
Hollow Knight and enemies such as Hive Guardian and Ooma can deal 2 maks of damage,
so when around them, quit the game when at two or one health.
You may wonder why Failed Guardian or the Nightmare King aren’t mentioned.

-=That’s because:=-
Dreams are your Friend

You can’t die in dreams, so you can drop the above two remarks when in a dream. When
essence hunting, priorities the dream variants of bosses over Dream Warriors, as they
can actually kill you. Note that the Radiance can also actually kill you, but that
isn’t a problem because:

-=Go for the Usurper Endings=-
For both Steel Soul and Steel Heart, defeating the Radiance isn’t necessary, so don’t.
Just defeat the Hollow Knight to get either the Hollow Knight or Sealed Siblings ending.

-=How Cautious?=-
If you follow all the above advice, then there is little reason to be all too cautious in
the moment to moment gameplay. Just be aware of your health at all times.

Dropping chandelier on Watcher Knights:
In the small room you get to with the elevator, right before the room of the Watcher
Knights fight, you can use the Mantis Claw and wall-jump up to the ceiling where the
small lantern is; break that ceiling and go up that hidden room, where you’ll be able
to destroy the anchoring of one of the chandeliers hanging in the boss room, causing
it to drop down and destroy one of the Knights; this will reduce the total number of
Knights you have to fight from 6 to 5.

How to Modify Charm Costs:
Written by Ben.

This guide will be showing you how to modify and adjust the charm notch costs.

-=How to Modify Charm Costs=-
* Download dnSpy for 64-bit
* Launch dnSpy and go to File -> Open
* Open Hollow Knight’s Assembly-CSharp.dll file which is usually located in
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonHollow Knighthollow_knight_DataManaged
* Expand Assembly-CSharp
* Expand { } –
* Expand PlayerData
* Select SetupNewPlayerData
* Scroll down to around line 471, select it, and then press Ctrl + Shift + E to
open the edit window.
* There are 40 charms named “this.CharmCost_1” through ““this.CharmCost_40″.
Edit the number after to change the cost.
For example, ” this.CharmCost_1 = 0″ would make Gathering Swarm cost 0 notches.
Refer below for charm IDs.
* Hit Compile when you are done.
* Close dnSpy. It will ask you if you want to save, click Yes, then click OK.
* You are done.

-=Create a new saved game for these changes to take effect.=-

Wayward Compass: charm_2
Gathering Swarm: charm_1
Stalwart Shell: charm_4
Soul Catcher: charm_20
Shaman Stone: charm_19
Soul Eater: charm_21
Dashmaster: charm_31
Sprintmaster: charm_37
Grubsong: charm_3
Grubberfly’s Elegy: charm_35
Fragile/Unbreakable Heart: charm_23
Fragile/Unbreakable Greed: charm_24
Fragile/Unbreakable Strength: charm_25
Spell Twister: charm_33
Steady Body: charm_14
Heavy Blow: charm_15
Quick Slash: charm_32
Longnail: charm_18
Mark of Pride: charm_13
Fury of the Fallen: charm_6
Thorns of Agony: charm_12
Baldur Shell: charm_5
Flukenest: charm_11
Defender’s Crest: charm_10
Glowing Womb: charm_22
Quick Focus: charm_7
Deep Focus: charm_34
Lifeblood Heart: charm_8
Lifeblood Core: charm_9
Joni’s Blessing: charm_27
Hiveblood: charm_29
Spore Shroom: charm_17
Sharp Shadow: charm_16
Shape of Unn: charm_28
Nailmaster’s Glory: charm_26
Weaversong: charm_39
Dream Wielder: charm_30
Dreamshield: charm_38

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