Filed under: PC games cheats

Hyper 3D Pinball Cheats

Hyper 3D Pinball

Cheat Codes:
Choose a pinball table and start a new game.
Press [ESC] and type “kermit” (without the “”) and press [enter]
Press [ESC] and type one of the following codes and then press [enter]

Code Effect
aloadofballs – Gives you 98 ball
extraball – Guess what? You’re right, an extra ball
joshuajein – Disable Tilt
kickback – Ball never leaves play
pickupball – It is supposed to give you the ability to place the ball
anywhere on the table using your mouse. If you want to
desactivate a cheat just type the keyword (ex: kickback)
again and the cheat will be turned off.

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