Filed under: PC games cheats

Hyper Princess Pitch Cheats

Hyper Princess Pitch

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Type these on your keyboard during gameplay. Note that these will set your
score to “CHEATER”, preventing you from getting high scores.

Effect Password
9 extra lives – RGCATS
99 Ice/Rainbow ammo – RGFILL
Gives a random powerup (does not include Hyper X/Y/Z) – RGGIVE
Invulnerability – RGIOSA
Makes all powerups last until the stage ends – RGCELL
Skip the current stage – RGWISH
Toggles serious explosions (does not prevent high scores) – RGXCES

reallyjoel’s mom Difficulty:
Hold the Right arrow key for ten seconds at the difficulty selection screen;
this will unlock the “reallyjoel’s mom” difficulty. This mode is significantly
more difficult than the other modes in the game. Notable changes include that
there are several times more enemies, they spawn faster, and even the most basic
ones fire bullets. Furthermore, you will not be able to gain any pickups, all
cheats are disabled, and you cannot summon the Goddess of Explosions.

Summon Goddess of Explosions:
When you are not firing anything, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left,
Right. This can only be done once during a given playthrough. The Goddess will
kill all enemies in the room, even those that haven’t appeared yet (though they
will yield no points) – if you’re facing a boss, the Goddess instead eliminates
half of its maximum health, destroying any boss in its “desperation mode.”

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