Filed under: PC games cheats

Icarus Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Build Doors / Windows and How to Get More Oxygen:
Writen by Written by Pawn63295 (Nick).

Guide to Build Doors / Windows and Get Oxygen

* When place a wall use the “R” button to open alternate blueprints
to place door frames and window frames.
* Then you need to build a window or door to place in the frame you
just built.
* Also just to add, fires seem to not harm your structures when placed
* This is just a basic tutorial for now which i will most likely expand
on in the future.

You can place oxcyte in your inventory next to the oxygen space and it
will automatically fill your oxygen bar slowly ass needed.

* The best way to get more oxygen is to build an oxidizer and fill it
up with the oxcyte.
* Then you just click the balloon and it will fill you up.
* It is also much more efficent than using the mineral on its own to
fill your oxygen bar.

How to Level Up Fast in Game Tips:
Written by DocStockman

-=First steps=-
As you land you’re level one. I spend the initial few minutes gathering
sticks/stones to make both an axe and a mining pick. I proceed to mine an
oxite node, and gather any edibles immediately nearby. Getting the first
level isn’t terribly difficult, cutting down trees is an excellent source
of initial xp to get the first level or two out of the way.

Moving towards level 5
The first unlocks I grab when leveling are the bow, stone arrows, campfire,
bedroll, and stone knife.

The bow and arrows are going to be your ticket to fast leveling as you’ll
see shortly, and if you didn’t play the beta weekends you’re going to need
a little practice to get the hang of nailing those critical hits. The stone
knife will let you skin animals for the necessary fur to make a bedroll,
and net you leather, meat, and bones. Skin every animal you kill, save all
of the bones/fur/leather for later. Once you have enough fur, make a bedroll.

While I’m taking in my surroundings, I try to find a cave to shelter in.
The beta did not have enemies in caves, however at launch it seems there
are worms that will attack you if you go too far in. My solution is simple,
don’t go far in. Using the mining pick, create a hole just big enough for
you to jump through, and setup your campfire/bedroll right against that
stone wall. You should be able to stay out of worm aggro range here, and
it will allow you to have shelter during storms, and a place to sleep
through the night.

It’s important to mention that you shouldn’t make the hole go all the way
to the ground. Leave enough stone that you have to jump up and into the
hole. This way you can fire your bow at the local wildlife/predators
through the entrance you just made to your cave abode.

Level 5 and beyond
Once you hit level 5, you can unlock wood structures. To be honest, nearly
all of it is a waste of points. However, by unlocking wooden pillars and
wooden ramps/roofs, you can create a structure that will let you more easily
see and hunt wildlife for faster xp gain. I’ve included a picture of my setup.

Since I started off in a cave as previously mentioned, I built this right outside
the cave against a mountain wall. It’s not expensive to make, doesn’t take long
to build up, and provides excellent view distance. As soon as possible, unlock
bone arrows (which is why we’ve been saving bones from our kills up to this point).
Bone arrows make a huge difference in getting those one-shot kill crits.
WIth some practice, you can one-shot wolves/deer from hundreds of yards away.

And you’re going to want to kill every wolf you see. Wolves net you 1600-2000
xp. To compare, goats/deer are 1/3 of that at best. Typically I will sleep in
the bedroll until morning, eat my food to buff up, climb into my makeshift deer
stand, and scan the area. If I notice any trees that are blocking my line of
sight, I’ll cut them down until I have several lanes to look down. Most of the
time I won’t come down to skin an animal right away, especially with wolves
because sometimes they travel in packs.

With this method, I managed to make it up to level 15 in no time, crafting newer
items/tech as the levels progressed.

Skip Intro Video:
Written by prank234

How to load directly into the game without watching the cool intro, and you
don’t have to do any crazy code.

-=Simply delete the video=-
All you have to do is right click on Icarus in your steam library, browse local
files, open the Icarus folder, open Content, and finally, open Movies. Then,
just delete “startup_01”. After that, it should start up the game with the logo,
and head into the game without ever seeing the intro. Have fun playing!

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