Filed under: PC games cheats

Ice Fishing Cheats

Ice Fishing

Submitted by: janina

To get the big fish simply get a small fish (or the yellow fish) then
just let the big fish eat it. as simple as that.

Submitted by: SALLY NANUSHA

HEY ppl in ice fishing if ur line keeps getting cut by crabs or bit by sharks
or even shocked by jelly fish, i have the answer to that.if a crab is coming
to cut ur line just catch a fish and keep its half body above the hole and
half below so it wont be cut. and if a shrk tries to bite it off just have a
fish to its mouth the shark wont bite it do the same for the jellyfish!

Submitted by: jokerme120

If u a member and buy the fishing pole and when u play icefishing it would be
a gray fish that u have to get to get more coins.

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