Filed under: PC games cheats

Icewind Dale 2 Cheats

Icewind Dale 2

Submitted by: conner54

Enable Cheat Console:
Enable the cheat console using the Icewind Dale configuration program,
then press [CTRL] + [TAB] in-game to open the console and type one of
the following commands:

Code Result
ctrlaltdelete:hans() – Teleport selected members to the pointer
ctrlaltdelete:midas() – Gives the party 500 gold pieces
ctrlaltdelete:addgold(#) – Gives the party # amount of gold pieces
ctrlaltdelete:explorearea() – Reveals the whole map for current area
ctrlaltdelete:setcurrentxp(#) – Set XP of selected members to # points
ctrlaltdelete:setchapter(#) – Set current chapter to #.

Prologue is chapter 0
Other values are Chapter 1 thru 6

ctrlaltdelete:movetoarea(x) – Load the area number given.
For area names see the data directory of CD2.

Note: the name has to be enclosed in quotes Example:

ctrlaltdelete:createitem(x,#) – Create quantity # of item x.
Example: ctrlaltdelete:createitem(“00BOLT01”, 10)

ctrlaltdelete:addspell(x) – The person where the mouse cursor is currently
over memorizes spell X and it gets added to the spellbook.

ctrlaltdelete:setglobal(x,Y,#)- Set global variable to a certain value
x is the name of the variable
y is either LOCAL, GLOBAL or an area name (AR####)
# is the number to set the variable too
Example: ctrlaltdelete:setglobal(“VARIABLE”, “GLOBAL”, 1)

ctrlaltdelete:setglobal(x,Y) – Check the current status of a variable
x is the name of the variable y is either LOCAL, GLOBAL or an area name (AR####)

ctrlaltdelete:firstaid() – Supposed to give you potions and scrolls, but appears broken.
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkdefends() – Supposed to summon a monster to defend you, but appears broken.
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkattacks() – Supposed to summon a monster to attack you, but appears broken.

ctrlaltdelete:enablecheatkeys() – Enables cheatkeys during gameplay:

CTRL + A – Scroll through available character sequences with the
CTRL + C – Replay chapter introduction
CTRL + S Selected character. Use A and S to browse back and forth
CTRL + F – Turn selected character around its axis
CTRL + M – Debug dump with area information
CTRL + J – Teleport party to mouse cursor
CTRL + Y – Kill current selected unit
CTRL + K – Kill selected monster or remove PC from party
CTRL + R – Heal selected character or portrait
CTRL + U – Receive free XP
CTRL + X – Give current mouse position + search square
CTRL + 1 – Cycle through armor levels
CTRL + 2 – Fade screen to dark
CTRL + 3 – Fade screen to light
CTRL + 4 – Display trigger polygons
CTRL + 6 – Make your current selected character transform into
CTRL + 7 – The next one. Use 6 and 7 to browse back and forth between all
available in-game characters
CTRL + 9 – Display character bounding boxes

Get bonus merchants:
Enable cheat console, then press Ctrl+Tab, then enter:
The bonus merchants will now appear

Have a file with a really tough guy that has good items then export him. Start a new
file and export your new person. Go to the character stats then delete him, Dont worry
he will not be there ever again, then import the really tough guy take his stuff on to
another chatacter, then delete and import your new guy and take the tough guys stuff
and repete the step.

Items and money hint:
If you already have a file that is pretty far into the game then you EXPORT ALL YOUR
CHARACTERS!! You can start a new file but you MUST export them as well. After you
exported your new people go to the face wich says modify characters then delete only
1 of your characters import 1 of the other characters that is from your good file.

Item names:
Submitted by: Andreas Otto

Use one of the following entries with the

ctrlaltdelete:createitem(“[item name]”,[number]) code.

Note: Only some items can be spawned in quantities of greater than one.

Item Item name
Belt Of Bluntness 00BELT03
Belt Of Piercing 00BELT04
Belt Of Beautification 00BELT05
Boots Of Stealth 00BOOT02
Boots Of The North 00BOOT03
Boots Of Avoidance 00BOOT04
Boots Of Grounding 00BOOT05
Boots Of Winterbranch 00BOOT09
Boots Of Yeti 00BOOT14
Boots Of Snow Wolf 00BOOT15
Bracers 00BRAC01
Bracers Of Defense +2 00BRAC02
Bracers Of Defense +3 00BRAC03
Bracers Of Defense +4 00BRAC04
Bracers Of Archery 00BRAC05
Bracers Of Expertise 00BRAC10
Bracers Of Icelandic Pearl 00BRAC11
Crossbow: Hagnen’s Folly 00BWHXHF
Crossbow: Hagnen’s Foolishness 00BWLXHF
Baleful Armor 00CHAN06
Elven Chain of the Hand 00CHAN07
Armor Of Life 00CHAN08
Ogien’s Armor 00CHAN09
Cloak Of Protection +3 00CLCK02
Cloak Of Displacement 00CLCK03
Cloak Of Non-Detection 00CLCK04
Diamond 00GEM26
King’s Tears 00GEM29
Rouge Stone 00GEM30
Battle Axe: Soul Stealer 00HFAXAS
Battle Axe: Scales of Balance 00HFAXBA
Great Axe: Cowards Flight 00HFAXBB
Throwing Axe: Big Black Flying-Death 00HFAXBD
Throwing Axe: Stormshifter 00HFAXCK
Throwing Axe: Screaming Axe 00HFAXSC
Battle Axe: Death’s Ally 00HFAXSP
Great Axe: Grim Widow-Through 00HFAXWT
Bow: Mithril Arc 00HFBCAG
Bow: Triumphant Flamekiller 00HFBLFK
Bow: Sophia’s Arc 00HFBLSF
Bow: Great Sun-Reacher 00HFBLSR
Bow: Swift Eye of the Hunter 00HFBSEH
Bow: Furious Rabbit Slayer 00HFBSRS
Club: Club of Confusion 00HFCBHK
Dagger: Dagger of Closing Arguments 00HFDGFW
Dagger: Ysha’s Sting 00HFDGPF
Flail: Demon’s Breath Flail 00HFFLFV
Flail: Chains of Righteous Strength 00HFFLSR
Halberd: Hand of the Buccaneer 00HFHBDC
Halberd: Holy Hammer of Lucerne 00HFHBHL
Warhammer: Masher 00HFHMPH
Warhammer: Hammer of Lightning 00HFHRSC
Crossbow: Beloved Geloise 00HFHXGE
Crossbow: Folly of Hagnen Odestone 00HFHXHF
Crossbow: Mithril Arbalest 00HFHXIA
Crossbow: Shielded Mailripper 00HFHXMR
Crossbow: Foolishness of Hagnen Odestone 00HFLXHF
Crossbow: Iron Mary’s Bold Reply 00HFLXIM
Crossbow: Makavail’s Swift Bane 00HFLXMB
Mace: Glowing Azure Rod 00HFMEAR
Mace: Iron Hand of Ohanion 00HFMECF
Morningstar: Lathander’s Gift 00HFMRMG
Morningstar: Mountains of Selune 00HFMRMS
Flail: Svirfneblin Skull 00HFMRSS
Bastard Sword: Know Thy Family 00HFSBBS
Bastard Sword: Order’s Nemesis 00HFSBRC
Bastard Sword: Bloody Wroth 00HFSBWR
Scimitar: Caernach’s Silver Sickle 00HFSCCS
Great Sword: Dwelnar’s Folly 00HFSDT
Stave: Delnar’s Lightning Stave 00HFSFDD
Sling: Nimble Cat-tail 00HFSGCT
Sling: Sun-kissed Sparrow 00HFSGSS
Long Sword: Delnar’s Healing Blade 00HFSLDB
Long Sword: Sword of Gleaming Dykahst 00HFSLDY
Spear: Life’s Blood Drinker 00HFSRIM
Short Sword: Lolth’s Cruel Sting 00HFSSLS
Short Sword: Assassin’s Blade 00HFSSSK
Short Sword: Shame of Thy-Dunag 00HFSSTD
Stave: Phantom Staff 00STAF86
Stave: Staff of Fireballs 00STAF89
Wand Of Fear 00WAND01
Wand Of Magic Missiles 00WAND02
Wand Of Paralyzation 00WAND03
Wand Of Fire 00WAND04
Wand Of Lightning 00WAND05
Wand Of Sleep 00WAND06
Wand Of Summon Monster 00WAND07
Wand Of The Heavens 00WAND08
Great Axe: Executioner’s Wife 11HFAXEW
Throwing Axe: Dullcobble’s Axe 11HFAXHO
Battle Axe: Kegsplitter of Shaengarne Ford 11HFAXKS
Club: Paths of Kuldahar 11HFCBMK
Dagger: Goblin Slayer 11HFDGGH
Flail: Black Chimes 11HFFLBC
Warhammer: Slow and Steady 11HFHRCR
Stave: Iron-Banded Staff 11HFSFPI
Sling: Left Hand of Darkness 11HFSGLH
Long Sword: Golden Heart of . 11HFSLHE
Spear: Twelve Paces 11HFSRNP
Great Sword: Saga of Wandering Sky 11HFSTWS
Stave: Caballus’ Whispering Staff 12HFSFWS
Club: Belib’s Amazing Everlasting Torch 50HFCLBT
Dagger: Black Lamia’s Tongue 50HFDGLT
Long Sword: Barrow Wight’s Blade 50HFSLWB
Spear: Kyosti’s Hunting Spear 50HFSRKS
Battle Axe: Duergar-Forged Doom Axe 51HFAXDF
Warhammer: Hammer of Utter Darkness 51HFHRDA
Warhammer: The Dire-Hammer Valorfoe 51HFHRVA
Crossbow: Dragu’s Doom Bolter 51HFHXDB
Crossbow: Dragu’s Hell Bolter 51HFHXHB
Stave: Ryomaru’s Harmless Staff 51HFSFRH
Dagger: Baron Sulo’s Hook 52HFDGSH
Long Sword: Light of Cera Sumat 60HFSLHA
Dagger: Wyvern Stinger 61HFDGWS
Dagger: Xvimian Fang of Despair 62HFDGXF
Club: Monkey Paw of Extreme Prejudice 63HFCBMP
Flail: Pustule’s Flail of Boils 63HFFLPF
Halberd: Pudu’s Fiery Blight 63HFHBPB
Warhammer: Xvim’s Brutal Impact 63HFHRBI
Scimitar: Scimitar of the Soulless 63HFSCSS
Battle Axe: Mighty Scalecleaver ZZI6HFSC
Mace: Selune’s Blessing ZZJ6HFMM
Great Sword: Thunder’s Shock ZZR6HFWB

Amulet Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00HFAMMP Mirabels Maleficent Pendant
00AMUL13 Protection +1 Amulet
00AMUL14 A Shield Amulet
00AMUL15 Intellect Amulet
00AMUL31 Yeti Scarf
00AMUL32 Wolf Scarf
00AMULBT Belibs Tool
00HFAMBT Belibs Tool of Fortune
00AMULDS Druid Stone
00HFAMDS Stone of Thorns
00AMULES Eye of the Storm
00HFAMES Calm Before the Storm
00AMULFD Dance Talisman
00HFAMFD Sunfire Talisman
00AMULGC Gohoins Charm
00AMULMP Mirabels Pendant
00AMULSL Leopard Charm
00AMUL12 Necklace of Missiles
00HFAMSL Heart of a Snow Leopard Charm
00HFAMGC Secret Charm
00HFPNBI Bile of the Damned
11AMULCM Cleansing Medallion
11HFAMCM Medallion of Dawn
11BARDWD Pipes of the Dragon
11HFBDWD Pipes of the Craum Straugs
12AMULHC Houndstooth Collar
12HFAMHC Vghotan’s Band
53AMULHD House of Despana Insignia
53AMULBS Blue Ioun Stone

Arrow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00AROW08 Flame Arrow +1
00AROW07 Arrow of Dispel
00AROW06 Arrow of Biting
00AROW05 Corrosive Arrows +1
00AROW04 +2 Arrows
00AROW03 +1 Arrows
00AROW02 Master Arrows
00AROW01 Arrows
00AROW09 Frost Arrows +1
00AROW10 Piercing Arrows
00AROW14 Holdfast Arrows
00AROW85 Disruption Arrow +2
00AROW86 Poison Tipped Arrow
00AROW87 Keen Arrows
00AROW88 Stunning Arrows +1
00AROW89 Sure Strike Arrows
00AROW90 Lesser Dispelling Arrows
00AROW91 Everlast Arrows
00AROW92 +5 Arrows
00AROW93 +4 Arrows
00AROW94 +3 Arrows
00AROW95 Impact Arrows +1
00AROW96 Hunting Arrows
00AROW97 Target Arrows
00AROW98 Stunning Arrows +1
00AROW99 Sparking Arrows +1

Bastard Sword Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00SWDBRC Rage of Chaos
00CWSWDF Bastard Sword +1
00CWSWDE Master Bastard Sword
00HFSBRC Nemesis
00SWDBWR Wroth
00HFSBWR Bloody Wroth
00SWDB01 Bastard Sword
00SWDB02 Masterwork Bastard Sword
00SWDB86 Bastard Sword +5
00SWDB87 Bastard Sword +4
00SWDB88 +3 Bastard Sword
00SWDB89 +2 Bastard Sword
00SWDB91 Icy Sword +1
00SWDB92 Static Sword
00SWDB93 Sword of Heroism
00SWDB94 Miasmic Sword
00SWDB95 Sword of Wrath
00SWDB96 Sword +3 Cold Fire
00SWDB97 Sword +2 Black Adder
00SWDB98 Sword of Frost +1
00SWDB99 Fang

Axe Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00AX1H01 Battleaxe
00AX1H02 Masterwork Axe
00AX1H03 Axe +1
00AX1H04 Axe +2
00AX1H78 Keen Axe +1
00AX1H79 Ice Axe +1
00AX1H80 Corrosive Axe
00AX1H81 Displacement Axe
00AX1H82 Wounding Axe
00AX1H83 Battleaxe of Decay +5
00AX1H84 Celerity Axe
00AX1H85 Winter Axe +5
00AX1H86 Disruption +5
00AX1H87 Fiery Defense +5
00AX1H88 Precision +5
00AX1H91 Axe +5
00AX1H92 Axe +4
00AX1H93 Axe +3
00AX1H94 Focus Axe
00AX1H95 Axe of Burning
00AX1H97 Speed Axe

Belt Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BELT01 Belt
00BELT02 Golden Belt
00BELT03 Bluntness Belt
00BELT04 Piercing Belt
00BELT05 Beatification Belt
00BELTAD Arcs of Disredain
00HFBTAD Insulated Arcs of Disredain
00BELTBG Black Goat
00HFBTBG Blessed Black Goat
00BELTDB Dragon Belt
00HFBTDB Warded Dragon Belt
00BELTLG Little Giant
00BELTSS Sash of Shadows
11BELTMK Mercykiller
11BELTSB Black Raven
11HFBTSB Binding Sash of Black Raven

Bolt Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BOLT01 Bolt
00BOLT02 Masterwork Bolt
00BOLT03 Bolt +1
00BOLT04 Bolt +2
00BOLT05 Sparking Bolt +1
00BOLT08 Tranquil Bolt
00BOLT93 Stunning Bolts +1
00BOLT94 Frost Bolts +1
00BOLT95 Flaming Bolts +1
00BOLT96 Corrosive Bolts +1
00BOLT97 Bolt +5
00BOLT98 Bolt +4
00BOLT99 Bolt +3

Boot Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BOOT01 Speed Boots
00BOOT02 Stealth Boots
00BOOT03 Boots of the North
00BOOT04 Avoidance Boots
00BOOT05 Grounding Boots
00BOOT09 Witherbranch Boots
00BOOT14 Yeti Skin Boots
00BOOT15 Wolf Boots
00BOOTCS Slippers
00HFBTCS Warded Slippers
00BOOTSB Shifters Boots
00HFBTSB Nimble Boots
10BOOTTB Treadlightly Boots
50BOOT14 Hunters Boots

Bullet Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BULL01 Bullet
00BULL02 Bullet +1
00BULL03 Bullet +2
00BULL04 Force Bullet
00BULL86 Return Flame +1 Bullet
00BULL87 Bullet of Disruption +1
00BULL88 Stun +1
00BULL89 Corrosive Burst
00BULL90 Wounding
00BULL91 Sure Strike
00BULL92 Stunning +1
00BULL93 Sparking Bullet +1
00BULL94 Frost Bullet +1
00BULL95 Flaming Bullet +1
00BULL96 Corrosive +1
00BULL97 Bullet +5
00BULL98 Bullet +4
00BULL99 Bullet +3

Chain Mail Armor Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00CHAN01 Armor
00CHAN02 Armor +1
00CHAN03 Armor +2
00CHAN06 Baleful
00CHAN07 Elven
00CHAN08 Mail of Life
00CHAN04 Splint
00CHAN05 Splint +1
00CHAN09 Ogiens Scale

Composite Long Bow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BOWC01 Longbow
00BOWC02 Masterwork Longbow
00BOWC04 Longbow +1
00BOWC92 Longbow of Spell Resistance
00BOWC93 Defender Longbow
00BOWC95 Longbow of Dodging
00BOWC96 Longbow +5
00BOWC97 Longbow +4
00BOWC98 Longbow +3
00BOWC99 Longbow +2

Composite Short Bow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BOWP01 Shortbow
00BOWP02 +1 Shortbow
00BOWP97 Shortbow of Insight +5
00BOWP98 Resistance Shortbow
00BOWP99 +2 Endurance Shortbow

Dagger Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00DAGG01 Dagger
00DAGG02 Masterwork
00DAGG03 +1 Dagger
00DAGG04 +2 Dagger
00DAGG05 Longtooth
00DAGG06 Throwing
00DAGG84 Throwing +2
00DAGG85 Throwing +1
00DAGG86 Sure Strike
00DAGG87 +5 Dagger
00DAGG88 +4 Dagger
00DAGG89 +3 Dagger
00DAGG94 Resistance
00DAGG95 Warding

Dart Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00DART01 Dart
00DART02 +1 Dart
00DART03 Stunning
00DART04 Wounding
00DART88 Sure Strike
00DART89 Masterwork
00DART90 +5 Dart
00DART91 +4 Dart
00DART92 +3 Dart
00DART93 +2 Dart

Flail Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00FLAL01 Flail
00FLAL02 Flail +1
00FLAL91 Flail +5
00FLAL92 Flail +4
00FLAL93 Flail +3
00FLAL94 Flail +2
00FLAL99 Masterwork
00FLAL87 Stun Flail +1

Gem Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00GEM01 Fire Agate
00GEM02 Lynx Eye
00GEM03 Turquoise
00GEM04 Sunstone
00GEM05 Andar
00GEM06 Jasper
00GEM07 Tchazar
00GEM08 Skydrop
00GEM22 Sphene
00GEM10 Zircon
00GEM11 Bloodstone
00GEM12 Moonstone
00GEM13 Ziose
00GEM14 Waterstar
00GEM15 Chrysoberyl
00GEM16 Shandon
00GEM17 Star Diopside
00GEM18 Horn Coral
00GEM19 Aquamarine
00GEM20 Garnet
00GEM21 Pearl
00GEM23 Black Opal
00GEM24 Water Opal
00GEM25 Moonbar
00GEM26 Diamond
00GEM27 Emerald
00GEM28 Star Sapphire
00GEM29 Kings Tear
00GEM30 Rogue Stone

Great Axe Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00AX2H01 Greataxe
00AX2H88 Greataxe +5
00AX2H89 Greataxe +4
00AX2H90 Greataxe +3
00AX2H91 Greataxe +2
00AX2H92 Greataxe +1
00AX2H97 Masterwork
00AX2H86 Ice +5
00AX2H95 Might +5

Club Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00CLUB01 Club
00CLUB85 Club +1
00CLUB93 Club +2
00CLUB99 Frost

Great Sword Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00SWDT03 Greatsword +1
00SWDT86 Greatsword +5
00SWDT87 Greatsword +4
00SWDT88 Greatsword +3
00SWDT89 Greatsword +2
00SWDT94 Rage +5

Halberd Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00HALB02 Masterwork
00HALB03 Halberd +1
00HALB04 Halberd +2
00HALB89 Halberd +3
00HALB88 Halberd +4
00HALB87 Halberd +5

Heavy Crossbow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BWHX01 Heavy Crossbow
00BWHX02 Masterwork
00BWHX03 Heavy Crossbow +1
00BWHX91 Heavy Crossbow +5
00BWHX92 Heavy Crossbow +4
00BWHX93 Heavy Crossbow +3
00BWHX94 Heavy Crossbow +2

Light Crossbow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BWLX92 Light Crossbow +5
00BWLX01 Light Crossbow
00BWLX03 Light Crossbow +1
00BWLX93 Light Crossbow +4
00BWLX94 Light Crossbow +3
00BWLX95 Light Crossbow +2
00BWLX02 Masterwork

Long Bow Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00BOWL01 Longbow
00BOWL02 Masterwork
00BOWL03 Longbow +1
00BOWL88 Longbow +5
00BOWL89 Longbow +4
00BOWL90 Longbow +3
00BOWL91 Longbow +2

Long Sword Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00SWDL86 Longsword +5
00SWDL87 Longsword +4
00SWDL88 Longsword +3
00SWDL02 Masterwork
00SWDL03 Longsword +1
00SWDL04 Longsword +2
00SWDL82 Wounding +1
00SWDL01 Longsword

Morning Star Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00MSTR87 Morningstar +5
00MSTR88 Morningstar +4
00MSTR89 Morningstar +3
00MSTR90 Morningstar +2
00MSTR01 Morningstar
00MSTR02 Masterwork
00MSTR03 Morningstar +1

Great Axe Item Codes:
For use with the ctrlaltdelete:CreateItem(“xxxxx”) Cheat

Cheat code: Effect:
00AX2H99 G.A. of Vampire Flame
00AX2H98 G.A. of Elemental Bursts
00AX2H97 Masterwork G.A.
00AX2H96 G.A. of Cleaving +5
00AX2H95 G.A. of Might +5
00AX2H94 Massive G.A. of Flame +5
00AX2H93 G.A. of Digestion +5
00AX2H92 G.A. +1
00AX2H91 G.A. +2
00AX2H90 G.A. +3
00AX2H89 G.A. +4
00AX2H88 G.A. +5
00AX2H87 G.A. of Blurred Visions +5
00AX2H86 G.A. of Ice +5
00AX2H85 Holy G.A. of Justice +5

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