Filed under: PC games cheats

Icewind Dale Cheats

Icewind Dale

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: NightRazor

If you are low on hit points and need healing and dont want to waste cure spells,
if you have joril’s axe, you can equip it again and again to heal yourself and
anyone who is able to use it.

Here’s another one:
You can use this anytime but i did it after i finished the game. Keep your old
party and export them into the seperate import folders. Then create a new party
and import them in one at a time and transfer their items to your new guys. you
can do this over and over and that way you can copy any item that you want and
which then you can sell for a lot of money too!

More Hints:
* When monsters choose one of your characters as a target, they stick to that
target. Have that character run through a door and close it behind him/her,
leaving the rest of your party with the beast which they can then attack
without reprisal until it’s dead. This works wonders on boss monsters that
would normally slaughter your party. Make sure your party or hero left
behind has a weapon of sufficient str to hit, i.e. +2 or better.

* Play on the weaknesses of the game engine. Move incrementally, revealing
monsters one or two at a time and dispatching them before moving on.

* Take advantage of choke points such as doorways or narrow corridors
especially when facing hordes of powerful enemies.

* Unlike in Baldur’s Gate, you’ll want more tough fighters than magic wielders
here. You need to be able to absorb lots of damage, otherwise you’ll be heading
to the healer every hour or so.

Cheat mode:
Press Ctrl + Tab to display the console window and then enter
the following codes:

CHEATERSDOPROSPER:ExploreArea(); – Show full map.
CHEATERSDOPROSPER:Hans(); – Teleport party to pointer.
CHEATERDOPROSPER:SetCurrentXP([number]); – Give selected characters indicated EXP.
CHEATERDOPROSPER:AddGold([number]); – Add indicated gold to party total.
CHEATERDOPROSPER:Midas(); – Add 500 gold to party total.
CHEATERSDOPROSPER:FirstAid(); – 5 healing potions , 5 antidotes,
and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh.

Note: Back up the original files before proceeding with the following set of
codes. Use a text editor to edit the “icewind.ini” file in the game directory.
Add the line “Cheats=1” under the “[Game Options]” section. Start the game and
press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to display the console window.
Type “CHEATERSDOPROSPER:EnableCheatKeys();” (case-sensitive) to enable
cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes while playing a game:

Code Effect
[Ctrl] + J – Move selected characters to pointer position.
[Ctrl] + R – Heal or resurrect the selected character or portrait.
[Ctrl] + Y – Kill selected monster or NPC with no EXP.
[Ctrl] + 4 – Display trigger polygons; shows traps.
[Ctrl] + 9 – Display character bounding boxes.

Create Items:
code for an item:

SCRL1Q – Scroll of Vampiric Touch
SCRL04 – Protection from Cold
SHLD06 – Large Shield +1
SW1H01 – Bastard Sword
SW2H01 – Two Handed Sword
WAND02 – Wand of Fear
XBOW03 – Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy
AMUL01 – Necklace of Missiles
AROW07 – Arrow of Dispelling
AX1H01 – Battle Axe
BELT02 – Golden Girdle
BLUN05 – Mace +1
BOLT02 – Bolt +1
BOOK03 – +1 Con
BOOT01 – Boots of Speed
BOW01 – Composite Long Bow
BRAC06 – Gauntlets of Ogre Power
BULL02 – Bullet +2
CHAN06 – Mithril Chain Mail +4
CLCK02 – Cloak of Protection +2
DAGG03 – Dagger +2
DART02 – Dart +1
HALB02 – Halberd +1
HAMM03 – War Hammer +2
HELM03 – Helm of Glory
MISC35 – Horn Coral Gem
POTN03 – Potion of Hill Giant Strength
PLAT05 – Full Plate Mail +1
RING01 – Ring

Duplicate items:
Export one of your characters with the item(s) you want to duplicate in his or her
inventory. Put the items into another character’s inventory, then arbitrate the
character that you exported. Delete him or her, then import them again. The character
should have all the experience and have the duplicated item(s). This is a good way
to earn money and create multiple copies of rare and expensive items.

Easy experience:
When inside Kresselack’s Tomb, past the first big door, will be a Skeletal Mage
named Mytos. If you are polite with him, and opt for a nonviolent solution, you
will get extra experience points before the fight.
To level up a character easily, have only one character. Go through the first quests
at the starting town. Then, save the character as an import. Start a new game and
load the import. Do the same quests as if you were using a new character. It does more
difficult to level up, but it is possible to get your character to level 22 before
going to the next town.

Easy and early gold:
When in Easthaven, do the quest involving Jhonyn and the blue-skinned woman and earn
a pearl. Return to talk to her (immediately before she disappears) . If you are quick,
you can talk to her again while she is disappearing and she will go through the same
dialogue — and you will get another pearl. If you are quick enough, you can get
three pearls, each worth 100 gold pieces.

Rhino Beetle shield:
After you get the rhino beetle hide you can take it to Dirty Llew and he will change
it into a shield in 10 days for 10,000 g0ld. This resulting shield isn’t that great,
but you can then take it to Nym and he will enchant it for 28,000 more gold and now
you have a really nice shield. After that , you can kill them both(they are both evil),
and you get all your money back!

Random powerful item:
Some areas have a random powerful inside them somewhere. if you save before getting
the item, there is a chance it will be different next time. so, reload again and
again, untill you get the one you want!

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