Filed under: PC games cheats

Incubation Cheats


Cheat Codes:
In the main screen (the city map), type:

Result Screen Code
View all locations Main city map ix1
10 skill points for all marines Main city map ix2
500 equipment points for squad Main city map ix3
Mission skip Main city map ix4
Super laser Game play youarestupid
Giant jump pack Game play buggeroff
Special character Game play genejoneginglelhon
All Provinces Receive Copper campaign map mefoundsomecu
All Provinces Receive Gold campaign map mefoundsomeau
All Provinces Receive Iron campaign map viagra
All Provinces Receive Silver campaign map mefoundsomeag
Fast Construction campaign map worksundays
Play as the Rebels campaign map conan
Receive 1,000,000 Florins campaign map deadringer
View Full Map campaign map matteosartori

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