Inscryption Cheats
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Find Code in Chapter 3 Tips:
Written by Data Corrupted
1.part one is in the cuckoo clock that is glitched into bottopia you
have to put in a certain time that matches one used on the clock in
act 1 with the shadow cabin.
2.the middle is hidden in the dark of the quality assurance checkers
old room think what can light up a part of that room.
3.I don’t know currently sorry if you know please comment how to get it.
-=Full spoiler section=-
3 code parts still suprise segment is in the cuckoo clock and it is the wing icon. either it
was strange timing or it is caused by clicking behind the card printer
machine in the left corner of the main room with P03. On the left of the
machine you’ll see a bolt that looks like a bird then just click it like
mad then the clock shows up. find it in the QA checker room in the dark with the camera flash.
it is on the tombstone and is the skull n’ crossbones
3.bottom is the bifurcation icon not sure how to get it. takes you to slime land and you can be a homie to the slime.
3 Blood Deck (or, Why Are You Still Losing?):
Written by thatoneguyDave
Using the 3 blood deck and working to expand its usefulness through first
round draws and easy built combos.
-=Of Goats and Moles=-
The basics of the deck are very easy to manipulate, but you have to play it safe
in the beginning. Work to directly either sacrifice, or remove from your deck,
any other 1 blood sacrifice cards (I usually equip the Mole sigil to the Moose.)
This will allow you to pull the Goat and a Squirrel round one every time, as
the game is set to give you a basic lvl 1 card to start by default.
-=Exponential Growth and Combo’s=-
So you’ve removed the Mole and are now stuck with the Goat as your single sacrifice
card. Whats next? Time to grow your options.
Generally, it should be easy to spot, but keeping your deck to 3 blood sacrifice
cards is key, but keeping up with the black goat can be a little tedious, so set
a goal to make sure it’s usable.
1.Goat + Cat/Child 13
Infinite summon but weak on the field so level it with campfires
2.Goat + Goat + etc
Keep stacking goats, you really would only need 2 or 3 to get you through the
majority of the game
3.Goat + Cockroach
The rebirth effect comes in handy as it will reappear in your hand after each use
4.Elk Totem/Goat in a bottle
Less reliable, but still very effective if you find a nice working combo
Once you manage to get a working strategy down, you can really start to focus on
getting large 1 turn damage setups while splicing any cards you have to keep your
deck to a minimum.